15. I will wait

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"This is beyond pathetic! I'm leaving"

Was the only thing Park Jisung could nervously whisper in one of the most stressful moments of his life as he was trying to leave the current situation and place.

"Shut your mouth idiot! She'll notice us!"

Also what Donghyuck could say as answer just as nervously as Jisung while he was trying to hold the younger's shoulders who was actually about to leave.

"I wonder if this actually works" Mark said.

Jisung looked at Mark. "It works? Hyung this is a terrible idea!"

Mark shrugged. "I mean...you are being a chicken that won't go and actually confess to that girl so yeah! We should leave it to Chenle"

Jisung's eyes widened. "For the last time! I have no feelings for Han Hyojin. And since when did Chenle become a wing man or something? He has no dating experience"

What Jisung kept whispering so aggressively made Donghyuck to roll his eyes from tiredness as he looked back at the young one.

"Can you just remain silent for a second my child? Besides, we have no better option other than Chenle right now. Mark's too awkward and if you want me to go...I will just straight up tell her that this Park Jisung dude wants to date you or whatever"

"No! No I don't want anyone to tell her this nonsense! You guys are emmbaressing me!" Jisung said.

As he got no answer from Mark or Donghyuck, little boy just sighed with anger as he stepped forward.

"I will go for Chenle" Jisung said.

With the very short step that he took, both Mark and Donghyuck glared at him with such terrified expressions as Mark leaned and grabbed Jisung's waist immediately while Donghyuck covered the poor boy's mouth and clutched on his shoulder.

"You better be quiet Pwark" Donghyuck said.

Jisung kept on scrambling between Mark and Donghyuck's arms as he was feeling breathless and stressed. But what kept him more scared and anxious was the fact that he just couldn't release his body from the two and go to Chenle for stopping him from making a great excuse for Jisung to leave the school forever.

Actually Jisung, Mark and Donghyuck were all hiding behind a wall in the school's hallway. And at the same time there was Zhong Chenle standing a few steps away in front of him and Jisung's classroom. But the boy wasn't standing there alone, as he was actually talking to someone at there.

Someone that Jisung just couldn't endure watching at the current situation.
The tall friendly classmate of him standing in front of Chenle with a lovely smile on her pale face, the girl that all his friends insisted Jisung to make friends with her. That same volleyball player at the gym, Han Hyojin.

Such admirable view as her bambi black eyes would glitter each time that she gives Chenle a bright smile. But what made Jisung to be so ignorant and scared of that lovely view was the current situation that Donghyuck was causing and the actual conversation that Chenle was having with that girl on purpose.

Just as what Donghyuck planned for a whole month, today what Donghyuck wanted was happening.

The so far plan of Donghyuck with Chenle and Mark's agreement that Jisung claims as a terrible idea.

This plan is actually consisted of Chenle to go and talk with Hyojin about Jisung. And just like what all the three of them are wishing for, hopefully Hyojin will be interested in the little boy and they would actually end up together.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now