31. Where The Snow Never Stops

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At such peaceful evening in an empty house, Lee Jeno had no plans but to take a very long nap and maybe play some games when he wakes up. Despite the fact of having homeworks to do.

But what he did not expect was his just arrived guest.

This faimilar face of his young guest, arrived here just when Jeno was asleep. Not only ringing the bell and Jeno not hearing didn't make him to give up or go away, but he actually managed to wake his poor friend up by calling his phone for three times.

This uninvited guest who is recently used to arriving in such way to Jeno's house is no one but Jaemin.

All comfortable Jaemin was laying with wide legs on a couch in the living room. He was already feeling like home without even Jeno telling him to. Therefore poor Jeno who had his nap plan all ruined now was glaring at him from the kitchen.

Jeno sighed and opened a cabinet in the kitchen. Grabbing some packs of snacks.

Then he joined his so relaxed friend who was changing TV channels endlessly.

Jeno threw a bag of chips at Jaemin. And so young boy was quick to grab it with grin and satisfaction.

Jeno sat on the couch beside Jaemin. Opening a bag of cookies himself. He looked at Jaemin's pale face. Recently the only catching element in Jaemin's face is nothing but his so bold eye bags as Jeno would observe.

Jeno sighed again. "You know you're welcomed here. But for the love of god, tell your mom before coming here. I nearly get heart attacks when she calls me instead to ask if you're here"

Jaemin chuckled tiredly and took a bite of a chip.

"Who on earth announces where he wants to go in the middle of a fight?" Jaemin asked sarcastically.

Jeno's eyes widened. "You two fought again?!"

Soon enough Jaemin was wearing a shocked expression as well.

"Amazing how you still get shocked" He said and giggled.

Jeno rolled his eyes. A bit weary and of course worried he felt. Suddenly, Jeno grabbed a fist of chips from the bag that Jaemin was holding.

"This is all your own fault for being so hard to understand. Never speaking about your own thoughts and suddenly slamming your new intentions to someone's face out of no where without proper explanation. No wonder your mom gets pissed off"

For a second Jaemin could only watch with amaze that how Jeno could get angry by such matter that had no relation to him. Yet after those aggressive words were finished, Jaemin could only laugh loudly.

"Picking side I see. Come on~ I just told her that I will take this year's running competition and she said no. So I resisted and she made the fuss as always"

Said Jaemin as he took a cookie from the bag in Jeno's hand. Getting close to Jeno's face with glaring eyes.

"Now who doesn't speak?!" Jaemin said all self supportive as he ate his cookie in one bite.

Jeno looked away. Seemed like Jaemin's explanation wasn't enough for him to take his friend's side.

"Speaking on a daily basis I meant. I doubt if she would even know you. Actually, who even knows you Jaemin-ah? Aren't you hurting? To be this closed and always pretending while something bothers you"

Jaemin scoffed and rested his back on the couch.

"As if you're the open book"

Jeno looked at him. "Even today when you argued with Jisung about that Areum can't be a good friend for him; Jisung kept on asking you what's so bad about Areum yet you said nothing. Seriously! What do you dislike so much about her?"

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