9. May, when we were friends

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"Areum sunbae-nim! Actually the reason why I wanted to talk with you is...uhm you know...it might seem stupid but I-I see you hanging out alone a lot of times...uh it might be rude to think but I just thought that it's kind of sad to see you like this, sunbae...anyway I'm talking too much. I was just wondering I-if you'd like to become my f-friend..."

Was the first thing Jisung told Areum so awkwardly in front of the school entrance gate at the end of the time about evening after knowing her for three weeks. Looking down shyly as blood was blooming under his cheeks.

At that awkward evening when Jisung wished for the night to come sooner so he will lose Areum's face in the dark...her sweet soothing laughter was heard elegantly. Even her soft laugh could pierce a deep wound in Jisung's chest.

She smiled at that shy little boy who kept his head down while clutching on his backpack strap.

"You make it sound so dramatic as if it's a love confession or something" She said softly.

Jisung shut his eyes from embarrassment. Little boy didn't give the chance to Areum to continue talking as he bowed his head till he saw his own knees.

"I am really sorry sunbae-nim! I'm really a kid am I not? J-Just forget it. It's so embarrassing" Jisung said.

Areum laughed louder. "No, why would I forget it?"

Jisung's eyes widened. His heart pounded even harder but this time such warmth and comfort surrounded the little boy. Just a few seconds later Jisung gained the enough courage to face Areum. As he raised his head slowly. Watching how sweetly Areum was smiling under the orange sunlight as her wide smile made such little dimples on her pale cheeks. Some bruises were still remaining on her face but she was still pretty in Jisung's eyes.

"I will! I want to be Jisungie's friend!"

I was truly pathetic and hopeless...as I felt so happy like she gifted the world to me

I kept on smiling like an idiot

Just remembering that day makes me feel bad for the both of us. People didn't look down on me when they called me a kid...they were right but I was too selfish to listen to them. I thought that only because of the sympathy and the will of helping in me, I would be able to heal her wounds. I thought that I am the one she can depend on

But that simple request and the start of it...was the beginning of us ruining each other

I was unaware of how fragile I was


The beginning of Jisung's new friendship was not how it is expected from a common one. Jisung spent the tiniest times of his day with Areum as they barely had a chance to be alone with each other. That was why eating lunch with the girl at the dinning saloon of their school will still remain as a simple wish for the little boy. That was why he was sitting behind the same table with Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin.

Just as how Jisung knows the routine of dealing with Na Jaemin on a daily basis...Jisung was aware that him not sitting besides the little boy during the lunch time means that Jaemin is somehow mad at Jisung. So as Jisung made friends with Areum, now Jaemin's habit of sitting besides Jisung was completely over. As Renjun was Jisung's new seatmate during the lunch time. At first Jisung was angry at the older knowing that this behavior of Jaemin is because of Areum's case but after a while...Jisung just didn't care anymore.

"So I see that things are getting better between you and that girl Yoon Areum" Jeno said before drinking his fruit juice.

Jisung smiled. "It's so fun to hang out with Areum noona"

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