10. August, you became free

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As the time kept passing finally the first semester was about to end. During this whole time Jisung was wondering about how there won't be a chance for him and Areum to get close. At this rate, Jisung could hardly call themselves as friends.

In the morning they would greet each other and that's the moment the two would not see each other until the school's over. During lunch time, at the gym, in the hallway...Areum was always hanging out with other people at these times and places. If Jisung had the chance, little boy could just walk back to home with Areum at some days.

Still, what stressed Jisung more was Areum's friends themselves. According to what Jisung witnessed during these times, little boy had found out that there are two guys and three girls hanging out around Areum all the time. The concerning thing to Jisung was how he discovered that no one in the second grade classes would dare to make friends with these five people expect for Areum.

No teacher was in good terms with them. Other students would say that these people would just look for one who's a loner around them and that's the moment when they would engage that person with themselves almost like a slave. Jisung heard them insulting Areum with no joke lots of times. They would humiliate Areum in front of everyone. Force her to always buy them foods with her own money, always carrying their stuff and even force her to write notes for them.

This was frustrating to Jisung.

Both Areum and Jisung wished if they could spend a peaceful time with each other more often. But the ones who kept on abusing Areum would not let her go. Jisung couldn't stand this situation anymore.


This time when break time came, Jisung didn't will to listen to Areum as she always tells the little boy to not come around her at these free times cause it might be possible that those guys would hurt Jisung.

It wasn't like Jisung cared about it.

At that day Park Jisung had the courage to step in the second grade floor as all the students older than him were glaring at the little boy with such wonder.

But Jisung was completely unbothered while wandering around in those unknown hallways as his only goal was to look for Areum. Just like how Jisung knew Areum's class number from the very first day, little boy stood in front of the door of that class. This time he decided to make the huge gap between the both of them to be disappeared. Not caring about Areum's concern or the way Jaemin kept on reminding him the boundaries and the not to do things. Today Jisung wanted to be someone unknown compared to his own self.

Little boy opened the class's door slowly. Despite his cautiousness and quietness, suddenly everyone's attention was drawn towards him. Everyone glanced at Jisung as the boy gulped with such stress.

As Jisung walked into the class all the second year students who were a senior of him kept on glaring and chattering. JIsung was left as a stranger in the center of attention.

Little boy kept his head a bit down as his steps were slow and cautious. Yet his eyes were looking for Areum with such anxiety and fear. This was surely something that Park Jisung would never do. So why was he there? Why did Jisung will to humiliate himself in such a way?

Just because of Areum?

"Jisung?! What are you doing in here?"

As his heart kept on punching on his chest painfully such feminine soothing voice was wrapped around him with warmth and comfort. Jisung let out his caged breathe as he looked up a bit.

Seeing Areum standing before a desk.

The golden dazzling gleam of the noon sunshine was sparking in her hazel eyes with such fear and turmoil. As her pale skin kept on shining Jisung noticed a new violet bruise secretly blooming through the curls of her hair on the girl's left cheek.

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