2. people are pathetic

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Park Jisung had the worst high school years ever. That's atleast what he believes himself. It's not like he went through bullies often. Jisung may be a bit shy and awkward but fair enough people made friends with him. School and life expense were surely a problem to deal with but not something that an eighteen years old boy would mind. Life was alright just like Jisung believed.
The problem was only one thing. Life was just too monotonous.
Such a miserable routine of a daily matter for doing nothing but just watching wealthy people in your own poor position. You get educated with high expenses to know the painful losts and costs that happy people are unaware of. True education is a matter of losing the happiness and heredity wealth is the matter of losing your brain. That was the first thing Jisung learnt in high school.
But just like his friends believed, Jisung's point of view was exaggerated and emotional. People were worried about him.
His father would just shake it off by bringing the excuse of Jisung being a teenager meanwhile his mother was uselessly worried and stressed. It was kinda humiliating for the little boy but Jisung had to go through a short term of therapy cause of his mother. Because of his chronic insomina and his endless nightmares. Not to mention how his father was always concerned about his low weight and anemia matter. And even his friends kept on calling him secluded and gloomy.
Everyone were just wondering, why can't he enjoy his life a bit?
Still, that was how Jisung decided to live in his youth. No one could change it.


Sleeping on the table at the school's dining hall was something Jisung would do on a daily basis during the lunch time. He preferred sleeping for atleast fifteen minutes instead of eating something. Jisung could barely find an appetit.

Last night, Jisung couldn't sleep even for half an hour. He knew keeping this bad habit is dangerous but little boy couldn't help it. Nights were just too noisy for Jisung. He was all awake till he saw the sunrise in his bedroom.

As the boy was covering his face between his arms trying to block the sun light, Jisung felt a hard poke on the back of his head. It made him flinch but still Jisung was too sleepy to get up.

"Wake up!"

That high pitched voice was familiar. It was his friend's voice. But Jisung just decided to ignore him.

"Hey! I said wake up you brat! When did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't..." He mumbled tiredly.

This time Jisung's ignorance was too much for his friend as the boy punched Jisung's head harshly. Making the little boy groan as he was rubbing his head with pain. He glared at his friend angrily.

"Seriously! Let me sleep a bit Donghyuck hyung!"

The boy named Donghyuck had such an ambitious arrogant look in his warm brown eyes. As each time Jisung felt cautious looking at those shimmering bambi eyes.

Suddenly Donghyuck pinched Jisung's cheek hardly making him groan again.

"Dining hall's not for sleeping! Come on! Get up and eat something your mouth stinks! It's cause of hunger"

Jisung sighed tiredly. He knew that arguing with Donghyuck has no win to the younger. As the boy got his head up Donghyuck sat on the chair in front of him. Seeing the boy's blood shot eyes made the older shock.

"Woah...you look terrible"

"Thank you" Jisung said.

Well even if it's mean to say still Donghyuck was right. Jisung's face was too pale these days. You could tell that little boy barely eats anything by looking at how norrow his wrists were. During the lunch time, classes and at the gym, Jisung was always sleeping. Not to mention he always has such a sullen face all the time. Even though it was a fact that outside the school Jisung's mood kinda brightens up.

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