5. the memory of her scars

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Middle school Jisung was a stranger to his new friends. Also a child known to be cheerful and happy to his family.

He was a lot shorter and more frail yet his health was in a good statement. He had way more friends, he was less tired and did his best at school. Middle school Jisung was a forgotten person.

At those days, Jisung used to talk a lot. Brag about exciting things and always be the first one to start a journey. Even though little boy was as shy and insecure as nowdays but at middle school, Jisung was used to gain everyone's love and affection by the way he treated people.

His friends were different poeple. Those friends knew about this little boy more than anyone.

They were the ones who saw Jisung smile while being happy, they saw him cry while going through the real sorrow, they saw anything purely honest through him. Those poeple knew the stranger Jisung that no one wanted to meet.

Three friends that were strongly tied up to Jisung's deepest memories.


"So you know?! That was the moment me and Jeno freaked out! Man...that was so cool! I wanna try it again but Jeno was too scared he said he won't go to the arcade with me anymore"

Jisung was listening. It was his older friend's deep soothing voice echoing in his ears and head. Jisung smiled as that cheerful and excited friend of him was speaking with such delight.

This dear friend of Jisung was named Na Jaemin.

Despite the fact that Jaemin was the senior in middle school and Jisung was just a freshman, they were actually best friends.

This fact was kinda hard to believe for others as well. Jisung was just a little shy boy always standing in corner meanwhile Jaemin was a popular student at school. Almost everyone in his class were his friends and all the girls had a crush on the boy.

Jisung looked at his friend once more.

Jaemin was taller, more broad shoulder and a bit masculine. Always having a beautiful bright smile to make everyone's day as his big brown eyes shimmered under the sunlight. Also the habit of removing his bangs to the back of his hair was making him look a bit adult like and handsome.

It was strange for others that how the two could get along so well.

As Jisung was staring at Jaemin, the older smirked. Getting close to the little boy and putting his arm around Jisung's neck.

"You should come to the arcade with me Jisung-ah" The older said. Smiling as ever.

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "Even Jeno hyung couldn't keep up with you though"

Jaemin scoffed. "What now? Are you scared of hanging out with me?"

"Stop with the nonsense, seriously"

Jaemin chuckled as his voice became deeper in a sweet way.

"Then it's settled! Count it as a dreamy date with the great handsome Na Jaemin"

Unimpressed, was the only feeling Jaemin could get from the cold expression on Jisung's face. Actually the young one was kinda embarrassed by Jaemin.

Jisung shook his head as his body shivered from disgust.

"Ah! There you go with your weird flirts!"

Jaemin laughed. "I'm not flirtting!"

Soon the older got closer, almost whispering in Jisung's ear.

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