18. the fear of your absence

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Through the twilight as morning would lately come during February, when even the sun wasn't still rising by the dawn. Jisung's phone alarm was the first warn to wake him up at such early time.

Little boy groaned through his deep breathe as that ringing sound would usually give him such headache at the very start of his day.

Surprisingly, today his body did not feel so heavy on his bed. Neither the pain in his back was that bold to make him suffer. Jisung squeezed his fists and rubbed his closed eyes with them as he yawned tiredly.

And so with such half opened eyes and a shivering body as it feels cold in such snowy winter day, little boy was trying to find his phone on the drawer next to his bed.

With several attempts and Jisung's tired whimpers, finally the phone's alarm was turned off.

Jisung took another deep breathe. As little boy was still lying his head on the pillow. He stared at the white ceiling which seemed violet and blue.

"Woah...I slept for like five hours"

Little boy said with such wonder.

Jisung got his head up with burden as he sat on the bed. By stretching his arms, such pain through his shoulders made him to gasp. Seems like not everything will be solved by sleeping enough for once.

Just as always, checking his phone was the first ever thing that Jisung would do at the time so little boy picked the phone as usual.

Once more he rubbed his blood shot eyes and as he turned on the phone, the light of its screen made him to groan. So once again, Jisung closed his eyes. By rubbing his eyelids...Jisung opened his eyes. And such sight made his body frozen. A message was sent to Jisung.

From Jaemin.

Jisung bit on his lower lip with stress as he felt breathless for a second. He opened the message and read it immediately.

- good morning ^^

It was sent about five minutes ago.

Jisung let out his breathe with such chuckle as he responded to his friend's message with no pause.

"So it wasn't a dream after all" Little boy mumbled.

Last night...all its happens, laughters, enjoyments and each second of it would be something that Jisung only sees through his dreams and imaginations. Through such delusional pictures wandering in Jisung's head...everything was touchable and formed to reality as its best. Jisung forced his mind to remember everything from last night like a sweet dream. The warm colours of the amber lights, the bitter and cold scents of coffees and perfumes each different from one other person with a Smokey smell in them, sweet scent of deserts, the sound of piano music mixed with the creaking wooden floor when the guests and waiters would walk around, the taste of melting chocolate from the ice cream he ate, the faces, the words and voices. Jisung repeated all of his words and chats with his friends like a treasure. And still...he could laugh by remembering them.

More than anything, Jisung remembered the sight of Jaemin's white hair shining under the light as he was sitting in front of the little boy. More than anything Jisung was surprised by how clear he could hear Jaemin's voice in his head after such a time.

And more than anything, he remembered all the moments he spent with Jaemin after that they were alone together.


As Jisung and Jaemin were walking together. The older growls and groans as he kept on punching his waist and back with fatigue and complain. Jisung tried his best to not chuckle as he just smiled and looked at Jaemin's wrinkled face.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now