26. A New Side

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Jaemin's grandfather was even more grumpy and strict than his daughter. That was one fact that Jisung could fully believe throughout the whole week which he passed in his house.

One week had passed from the time that Jisung was welcomed to this house.

His mom would call him every single night to ask about his condition and if he is taking his medicines on time or is he doing his diet right. And so Jisung could only say one thing.

As long as Na Jaemin is around, how can I even forget about my self care treatment?

And Jisung was not exaggerating. Jaemin would take care of him and look after the younger just like a mother. So is Jaemin's grandmother who is such an overprotective and caring hostess. This matter of Jisung being showered by the love and support of the two sure gets balanced by how intimidating and short tempered Jaemin's grandfather is. He doesn't laugh, doesn't joke around, is not relaxed at all and makes the two boys to work all day long.

Jisung should admit that he never had this much of physical activity through one single week.

Working at the field, delivery, carrying heavy stuffs and actually being forced to communicate with so many people. People who seem to be pretty welcoming and out going unlike what Jisung often sees in the city. Which is something that Jaemin says is pretty healthy and useful for Jisung. But poor little boy has a long way to go to learn on how to socialize comfortably.

And so this tiredness sure is a burden and torture. But has its own bold influence. Just like Jaemin tells him all the time.

Make your body exhausted enough to the point that sleep is your only solution, at that rate there ain't no time to overthink

Jisung finds the saying to be a bit harsh yet he can in fact admit that is true. And so exaggerating about the work is unfair as they have enough time to hangout and have fun.

Barely a week and Jisung's high school friends are already missing him. Jisung can barely find a time to chat and text his friends. Not to mention how the network is poor. So when the right time came, Jisung decided to have a video call with Chenle, Donghyuck and Mark.

Both Jisung and Jaemin were in their bedroom sitting besides each other on the floor as they were waiting for the call.

While the two waited in silence, finally Jisung's phone turned on and rang.

Jisung smiled with eagerness as he grabbed his phone from the floor so quick.

"There they are!" He said gladly as Jaemin leaned closer to see through the phone screen.

Jisung accepted the call immediately, and so as expected they needed to wait for the call to load because of how poor the network speed was. After seconds a blurry sight of Chenle being super close to the screen with his eyes extremely distanced appeared as both Jisung and Jaemin flinched and made a gap from the phone.

Jisung sighed. "Then again granny Chenle can't get used to a video call"

It took Chenle a while to show a reaction as he distanced the phone from his own, causing for Mark and Donghyuck to appear from the back.

"They are censored! It's so blurry" Mark said.

Donghyuck laughed. "Park Jisung are you connected to a 60s bell? Damn that speed"

Jisung groaned. "What did you guys expect?!"

"Ah! Na Jaemin is there too! Hey hyung!!" Chenle shouted as all the three started waving their hands for Jaemin.

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