22. A promise in February

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As February was reaching the end, every high school student was all busy with the final exams. Such important time for everyone especially for Mark and Donghyuck as they should be ready for attending the university. Including Chenle who had such bare times to spend with his friends because of all the times that he spent for studying. So everyone were pretty busy in this month.

Everyone but Jisung.

So many things kept bothering the little boy in both his mind and body. His sleeplessness was the same, such weakening was there to be felt in his body. And so he could not stop thinking about the issue which he was facing.

A month was about to pass but still, Jisung was refusing to talk to Chenle. They were still avoiding each other and even Chenle took the exams matter as an excuse to ignore Jisung for more.

Fair enough, the ignorance of your close friend is pretty frustrating in fact.

Jisung was willing to solve his problems with Chenle but every time such reluctance and pride would stop him. Little boy was confused. He did not know that who is the one to be blamed in such unexpected argue.

And so what Chenle said before kept on wandering in Jisung's head.

The thought of Jaemin's feelings for him.

Was Jisung unaware or surprised? Of course not. Yet Jisung didn't have the urge to accept it either. Making up with an old friend after such confusing happenings and embracing the fact that you are more treasured and loved than you are supposed to at such immediate. Jisung found these thoughts to be such waist of energy and pretty bothersome.

So when the stress of the exams and his friend's issues kept bothering him while the physical problems were there to be felt aside from his nightmares and panics of the old memories...

In the middle of February early in the morning during the first exam session, as there was no single question understandable enough to answer on the exam paper...unforutenately, Jisung passed out in the middle of the class.

Stress, fear and tiredness with such strong urge to sleep and darkness at its end. All that Jisung could remember after finding himself lying on the hospital bed.

Little boy felt his heavy body being crumpled in an unknown white bed of the hospital.

Pain and exhaustion were making a bare chance for him to take a breathe from the air.

The cold humid weather, the white room, the sharp smell of alcohol, the burn of a needle pinned through his skin of the back of his hand, the tiredness and half way caustioness, the same old uncomfortableness...Jisung was now getting used to be hospitalised in a laughable way.

But little boy was the only one to find it hopelessly funny.

Once Jisung closed his eyes and opened them again, the white blurry sight began to get clearer while his mind and sense were managing to hear the voices being spread around the room.

Jisung heard one voice and saw three people.

Three people who were standing further away from the bed which Jisung was lied on it. The one who was talking among the three seemed to be a doctor as he was one man standing with a long white uniform.

The other two were surely known. Once Jisung blinked his eyes, little boy found the two people to be his parents. Jisung could see the sight of his father's tired face and so her mother had such distraught crying expression as always. Little boy found his mother to be so fragile and hurt at the moment as she kept on clutching on her arms shakingly while Jisung's father was comforting her by pulling her close to his arms.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now