11. September, my unwanted words

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During the afternoon when the classes were finished, Jaemin was waiting for Jisung in the running track. wearing his usual shirt, shorts and sneakers as he was slowly running around to keep his body warm. It's been ten minutes but Jisung didn't appeared yet. Surely Jaemin was aware of the fact that the younger friend of him, despises this after school practice routine but still, it won't usually take much time for Jisung to give up and join Jaemin.

As a few more minutes had passed, finally Jaemin stopped running as he took a deep breathe while looking around the school yard. 

"Where's this kid?" He mumbled.

Could it be that Jisung doesn't want to come today? Or is he deciding to never join Jaemin in these practices anymore? Is it possible that this behavior and habit of Jaemin is tiring or annoying to Jisung? Or maybe he wants to walk back to home with that girl, Yoon Areum?

These thought kept on mumbling in Jaemin's head. How is it that such little matters can make someone like Na Jaemin to feel so paranoid and insecure all of a sudden?

As Jaemin was looking at the front sight of the school building, he found such a slender figure of a male student walking with a slight limp at the same direction of the building's length. Now that way of walking with the head down and the atmosphere of loan and awkwardness around only belonged to one person, Park Jisung.

But why was he limping? Jaemin asked himself.

Soon, Jaemin started walking towards the so far known person as his friend Jisung. Jaemin wanted to gain Jsiung's attention so he raised his voice in case for his words to be clearly heard by Jisung in that long distance of them.

"Yah! Park Jisung! How dare you to skip our practice?"

Jaemin shouted with his usual joking tune. But his words didn't make Jisung to stop even for a second. Little boy just flinched a bit as he lowered his head down even more. Walking faster than before even though his limp would decrease his current speed.

Jaemin frowned with wonder. "Are you ignoring me now?"

Seeing no reaction in Jisung's movements for once again made Jaemin to actually run for the younger.

"Wait Jisung-ah!" He said.

It didn't seem that Jisung is making any effort for actually running away from Jaemin yet he wasn't even stopping. Jaemin wasn't sure but the more he got close to the younger, the more weakness and tiredness he could see in Jisung's way of walking.

As their distance became about a few steps Jaemin just started walking slowly behind Jisung.

"Yah! Aren't you stopping for hyung?" Jaemin said.

Jisung just lowered his head again as he sighed. He didn't stop for Jaemin. This way of treating and behavior was truly suspicious and rare for the older.

Jaemin walked a bit faster as he was now walking besides the younger but as he tried to catch Jisung's gaze, little boy turned his face to the other direction.

This reaction made Jaemin to clench on his teeth with anger as he walked pass by Jisung. Suddenly standing in front of the little boy. Jisung the one who was staring at the ground the whole time was bumped to Jaemin's chest and body all of a sudden. Little boy stepped back with shock. Such a small distance was shaping between the two. Jisung stood still, feeling the slight smell of sweat mixed with a warm aroma on Jaemin's trembling body. Jisung's face wrinkled in a pained expression.

When I stand in front of him, he's taller than me. His shoulders and chest are also wider. Somehow his body feels tough, reliable and desired

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now