12. December, your confusing words

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As December kept on passing, finally Christmas came.

The weather was so cold these days. As it didn't stop snowing. Finally the schools were closed and students had their own time to spend with their friends and families.

At this time Park Jisung was the poor one to have such unfortunate fate. In the snowy grey noon as children would run around the white ground screaming and laughing, little boy was the one with a foot locked in a cast limping in the streets. Through the blurry fogbound sight of his eyes, as the snow kept on wandering with such cold blowing winds Jisung could see everyone running and moving freely with joy. Old people walking, children running, adults looking after them as the teens with the same age as Jisung would slide and swing through the frozen asphalts and parks. Meanwhile here was this little poor boy making such depressed face as two canes around his sides would help him to stand.

It's been a whole month since the incident that Jisung fell from the stairs at the school. Not to mention how hasty the little boy was but his rash and stubbornness made him to expect for his foot to heal during this short period of time. And as answer for his inept expectation, there was his doctor laughing at Jisung and telling him that "patience would be his punishment for carelessly".

But still, this punishment was found to be unfair and cruel as Jisung's worry of still having his foot in the cast during Christmas came to reality.

Jisung clutched on his canes, pushing them on the ground to take another hard step. He frowned by the pain of feeling the canes squeezing his armpits. How could he get used to this situation?

As Jisung took another step his mother who was walking besides the little boy held his son's shoulder.

"Be careful Jisung-ah!" She said with pity and worry.

"I am" Jisung said tiredly.

"Oh god, to be walking on this ground in such a season with those...it's so dangerous! I should've not let you to come outside. How about we buy you a wheelchair?" Jisung's mother said.

Jisung glared at his mother with widened eyes from shock.

"Ah mom seriously! I'm not gonna go paralysis for a broken foot. Besides, these canes have ice grips. It's fine. And I can't stay in home forever it's Christmas day!" Jisung said.

His mother sighed. "But I'm worried...Are you sure that you want to go out with your friends today?"

"Of course!"

Jisung's tune was determined as he didn't hesitate to answer so quickly. As if the two talked about this topic from a while ago.

"I should tell Jaemin to look after you when you guys go" She said while biting the nail of her thumb finger nervously.

"As if he's not already worse than you mom" Jisung mumbled.

After Jaemin visiting Jisung in the hospital all of a sudden, it seemed like after a whole four to three months both of them finally came to actually forget about their fight and all the things that had happened through the whole time. Well, it wasn't a strange thing to happen at least for them. Despite the age gap it was pretty common for Jisung and Jaemin to argue so often. Not as harsh as their last fight but usually the both would just get tired and bored after ignoring each other for a while.

But these days, some changes could be seen in Jaemin's actions towards Jisung.

Jisung didn't know how to explain Jaemin's current way of treating the little boy but he could say that, more than being loved by Jaemin, Jisung felt to be the one who the older had such pity towards. Surprisingly, Jaemin didn't really tease Jisung with his words anymore in the way he used to. Even their skin ships were less than before, not to mention that Jisung was kind of glad about that. But in anyway, Jisung could see that even though they made up, that fight had its own influences. As the two kept such distance. And the more gap was shaping getting far away from Jaemin, the more room was there for Areum. As now all of Jisung's concern, daily matter and the one he treasured was no one but Areum.

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