4. the one I adored

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Just what kind of a heartless bully built this hell in school?

This was the only question in Jisung's mind, everytime that they had to go to the gym. Everything was so crambled. Such a crowded wide saloon with really tall walls. This was enough to make Jisung nervous for passing out or throwing up.

In such a despicable place with so many poeple, Jisung hated to show so much skin. Cause everyone kept staring at the little boy. Especially showing his shoulders and knees. That's why Jisung tended to wear long sleeve jackets even during summer. Not to mention how Donghyuck makes fun of his outfit all the time.

He hated exercising in front of other people. That's why the great doctor's certificate was like a ticket to heaven for Jisung.

Just like all the times at the gym, Jisung found his way so sneak out from training.

The boy walked towards the bench with two water bottles in his hands. Seeing Donghyuck and Chenle sitting besides each other. Both were tired and sweaty from exercise. Donghyuck had such a good physical readiness and flexibilty. Meanwhile Chenle was fairly good at basketball and running.

Jisung envied them.

Little boy sat between them, giving the water bottles to the both of them.

"Thanks Jisungie" Chenle said while breathing heavily.

Jisung nodded his head. Soon enough, he got the hard punch on the arm from Donghyuck that he expected.

"Ouch! What now?" Little boy whimpered.

"Get your ass in the court!" Donghyuck said.

Jisung looked away. "I'm sick you know"

Donghyuck scoffed. The older leaned towards Jisung, putting his hands on the little boy's armpits as he jumped.

"Hyung! What the heck?!"

"Sick my ass! You're just too lazy. Work out a little the hell's wrong with this girly body of yours? Look! No girl in this school has a waist this thin"

Jisung was shouting and twitching as he was trying to remove Donghyuck's hands from his waist. Meanwhile Chenle was just laughing at the both.

Finally little boy successed to push the older away.

"Seriously hyung..."

Donghyuck sighed. "Stop hiding yourself for f*k's sake! Look! Look how hard that idiot is trying!"

Donghyuck pointed at a short black haired guy standing on the basketball court.
That guy smiling so cheerfully as usual with his rosy cheeks was Mark.

"Look how all those tall players are towering this shrimp! But does he give a sh*t about it?"

All the three were looking at Mark. The ball was in his hands. Everyone were ready for him to get a point. Mark was clearly excited and nervous. Without anyone realizing the boy turned his face back. Staring at Donghyuck with a big smile as he pointed at him hiddenly.

"Dude! This one's for you Donghyuck hyung!" Chenle said with excitement.

Donghyuck just took a deep breathe. Not really bothered or anything.

As Mark took the ball upon his head and threw it...it didn't even hit the backboard. The ball just flew away to the other side of the gym.

Mark was just standing there with a frozen smile and a sweaty face. As all his teammates were shouting and scolding him.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now