❅ Welcome Home, Snowflake ❅

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There is a saying.

Recently being passed in ears and mouths of oldsters and youngsters.

They say there is this place, where winter never stops. Four seasons pass through a year but that place seems to own and keep such white snow through all the seasons.

If you go up on the snowy hill, pass the long way and you might see it all white and shiny; they say.

There is a place where snow never stops even when sun would shine above it. It's always white coloured even when the hill around it would own green grasses and warm soil. But sure snow is stubborn around its area. Always cold and breezy, white and shiny. A loner place it seems on top of such windy hill barely blessed by the sun.

Fully made of soulless wood. Such gable roof it owns always snow covered and white painted in general. Such big and little windows it owns like a grandmother's house being framed into thick woods. Some amount of umbrella canopies, all transparented would glitter around its wooden form with snowflake motfits shining on them. While the white lamps glitter around it, it seems like snowflakes floating in air if you watch it at night.

A house? No one can call it such a name.

Looks tidy and small on the outside like a cottage, but all big and wide it is, if you enter it.

Owns such tall glassy door with silver snowflakes glittering on it. If you push the glassy door open, bells and white crystals hung from the ceiling start to shimmer and sing a cold melody. A snowy place indeed, with coldest harmony and crystal ices being everywhere. But to be opening that door, such sudden warmth would caress your face so melting and pleasurable as you did not expect it.

After entering, shocking it is to see how tall the ceiling is. All the walls being full wooden and brown coloured. Such silver chains so long and shimmery are hung from the tall ceiling. Either way crystals shaped in snowflakes or such round glass marbles are hanging on the chains. They shine upon the head, as if snow keeps on falling even from a wooden ceiling. Half of the walls are not even walls as they are wooden book shelves. Such colourful books being placed in the shelves. Thick and thin, fabric covered, hard covered or modern styled. Old and new. Warm coloured or cold coloured. Books are everywhere.

While the soft melody of music box sings about the cold weather as it is beautifully conflicted with the big fireplace built in red bricks at the end of the hall. The flame shining from afar reflects the amber into the ceiling marbles like an ice cave meeting the early sun.

Such strong aroma of coffee can be felt. As it reveals sight of wooden tables and chairs, each owning white cups of coffee as steam flies out of them. Smell of coffee mixes with rotten papers, vanilla cream and hot chocolate.

White cups, white sculptures of winter elements on wooden shelves like snowflakes and bells, white fabrics neatly pinned on the chairs, white velvet curtains around the wide windows all folded, little white books on each table, white snowglobes showing off on wooden wall ledges everywhere as the decor.

All white.

Only a few seconds will take for you to stand in the middle, then a man is all quick to approach and greet you.

Is tall and fairly narrow figured yet broad shouldered. Owns such raven coloured hair all brushed away from his face therefore his classic hairstyle pleases the eyes. Sometimes is too pale or grey in the hue but is always blushed face and has such calm expression. Acts a bit bashful and uneager in smiling but gazez gently. Mostly looks tired with eyes all half opened at times but behaves delicately therefore is not a lie if he says that he is happy to see you. And to say such words, owns this low careful voice all blessed with depth and warmth. With a shy smile says the warmest "welcome" before anything to you. And looks always the same. As people say he may prefer to have some changes in his appearance therefore you can see him with his hair down at times or to see him wear a pair of wide silver glasses when he is reading a book once in a while. But one main thing never changes about him.

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