25. your figure melts by the sun

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"Ah, seriously. Please let them sleep for some more. These kids just arrived all way from Seoul a few hours ago. Let them rest"

"Few hours?! It's noon already! What's your next plan? Breakfast in the bed for these brats? A little massage?! Help them to bath?"

"Noon you say?! It's seven in the morning!"

It was in fact seven in the morning. Unlike usual the voice of the old couple kept on arguing. Jaemin's grandparents they were. Kept on fighting over the smallest things just as ever. Through the early morning, a time that a teenager would barely wake up willingly as Jaemin's grandfather counts it as "Noon time", the old grumpy man had the complete intention to wake Jaemin and Jisung up. While unlike him, his wife was all worried about her recently arrived dear guests as in fact it was only a few hours from the time they came to this house. Still tired from the road trip they were, the old lady was aware of it. So this little conflict in opinion kept the couple walking around the yard towards the house itself as the wife kept trying to change her husband's mind and yet the man had already decided. Jaemin's grandfather rushed in the hallway as his wife was following him.

She sighed as they both stopped in front of Jaemin and Jisung's bedroom door.

"Now when this child goes back to his house. He's gonna tell his parents how badly Jaemin's grandparents treated him" Said Jaemin's grandmother.

Without a bit of consideration towards what the woman said, there was her husband who just grabbed the door hanger and slid the door open.

"We have rules in this house" He said.

Both saw the sight of the two young boys sleeping in front of their eyes. No emotion was there to be seen on the grandfather's face at that moment while the old woman sighed in admire and love to see the two youngsters who are sleeping so sound and safe. Yet in messed up sheets and complete opposite directions as they both walk in their sleep.

"Oh my dear, look at them" Grandmother chuckled.

While her husband wondered, what is so worth to adore about two grown teens who snort loud in their sleep with saliva running from their mouth?

"Wake up kids! It's noon!!!" Shouted the old man as he kept knocking loudly on the wall of the bedroom.

By the loud deep voice of the man and the noises of his knockings, Jisung was the startled one to jump up all of a sudden and sit as he gasped and looked around with half opened red eyes. The sight of his scared and confused expression with puffy eyes made the old lady to sigh as how sorry she felt for the poor little boy. Unlike Jisung, Jaemin just groaned a bit and shifted in his bed sheet as if this routine of waking up is pretty normal and daily for him. While Jisung was trying to calm his heartbeat by taking deep breathe as he was rubbing his eyes. Jisung was so shocked that he couldn't even feel his everyday waking up headache.

By how quick Jisung was to wake up, the old man smiled in please.

"See? That's one alert kid"

Said the grandfather as he walked inside the bedroom towards the two.

By passing a few seconds Jisung finally noticed the presence of his friend's grandparents. Jisung looked at them with widened eyes. Suddenly he was so ashamed to be seen by them in the bed sheets with messy hair and red eyes. The sudden eye contact of Jisung with the grandmother made her smile as her eyes closed and got wrinkled.

"Good morning dear" She said.

Soon Jisung grabbed the edges of his black t-shirt as he shook it to make it look decent as he stood up and bowed his head while looking down in shame.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now