13. January, when I kissed your scar

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During the lunch time, Jaemin and Jeno were the first ones to get into the dining hall among their friends. As the both were standing in front of the kitchen waiting for their lunch trays to be prepared, they could barely have a free private conversation because of five of their classmates surrounding them. One of the guys grabbed Jaemin's left arm. By lifting it, the glassy marble ball slipped out of his coat sleeve. Swinging to sides by its silver chain as that guy and other classmates were looking at it glittering in the sun.

"No but seriously dude, who gave this to you?" That guy asked.

Jaemin sighed heavily, rolling his eyes as he looked at that guy seriously.

"I told you three times already! It's from someone special"

Jaemin said with a whiny tune as he yanked his arm from his classmate's grip.

One of the girl's pushed that guy standing besides Jaemin as she leaned towards him shyly. Staring at Jaemin with such pained expression.

"Ah don't tease us Jaemin-ah! Who is this from?" She asked.

Before Jaemin could say anything, Jeno who was standing on the other side of his friend leaned towards that girl with a smirk on his lips.

"Special you know...you might've lost your chance already. Jaemin's seeing someone" Jeno whispered.

Even though Jaemin was aware of his friend's joke, still he had no urge to say something denial as the boy just laughed. Causing that girl to hit Jaemin's arm furiously.

"Ow!" Jaemin pouted, still giggling.

"Na Jaemin you jerk! You said you will think about my confession!" She said.

Jaemin raised his head, looking around. "Well you see-"

As Jaemin was trying to find a proper answer while avoiding eye contacts with that girl and looking around, seeing the slender figure of a boy walking with two canes in his hands at the entrance of the hell drew Jaemin's attention. Suddenly a bright smile beamed on his face, by placing his tray on the counter, now Jaemin was completely unaware of the people surrounding him. As he left everyone while walking towards that little boy.

"Jisung-ah!!!" He said with excitement.

"Yah! Na Jaemin!"

The girl shouted, watching Jaemin ignoring her as he was getting away. Jeno stared at that girl's red blushing face as he chuckled.

"It's no use" He said.

As Jisung heard his name being called by that familiar voice, the boy raised his head. Seeing Jaemin walking towards him happily. As the older finally stood in front of him Jisung stopped walking and smiled.

"Good morning hyung" He said.

Hearing that low voice with seeing such uneager expression on that pale face made Jaemin to lean closer.

"Why are you so down?" Jaemin asked.

Jisung shrugged. "Areum noona didn't come today either"

Jaemin's smile became less bolder as he leaned back. Looking at Jisung. After that Christmas night as all of them hung out together, Areum didn't come to school anymore. She wasn't answering her phone, neither the teachers knew anything. It's been almost a week since Areum was absent and now they were in January already.

Jaemin tried to show a cheerful expression. Yet the tiredness and reluctance was too obvious by the honest reactions of the older. Seeing Jisung this distraught and sad caused by not seeing that girl for a week and being unaware of her...it wasn't a pleasing sight to see. As the both kept on standing in front of each other in such awkward silence suddenly Jaemin raised his left hand unwantedly...reaching for Jisung's raven hair. Such persistent instinct made Jaemin to find Jisung so desperate for a physical comfort as he had the urge to caress the younger gently.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now