7. are you a dream?

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As December kept on passing, all Jisung tended to do in these days was just studying. The second semester would end at mid February so an average high school student like Park Jisung should only focus on his exams. It wasn't like that Jisung tended to be such a hard working student. His grades weren't neither high nor low, fair enough he had some serious problems with the lessons he hated and it wasn't like that little boy wouldn't space out or sleep during studying so often.

Jisung just didn't have anything to do instead of studying.

No hobbies or interests. Little boy just wanted to ignore the way that time never passes. Jisung was always wondering how is it that none of his friends realize that it's been years since they are trapped in this December?

Chenle was all excited about the Christmas holiday because he was able to go back to his hometown at that time while Mark and Donghyuck were planning for their date when Christmas comes. But when the three of them asked about Jisung's plans for this holiday, little boy just told them how he would spend all the time studying at library the way he's currently spending time at one.

These days Jisung felt way more weary, dizzy and weak. As his patience and bareness was becoming way shorter for staying at school per sixteen hours every single day. High school surely was a living hell.

Waking up every morning, going to school for studying hardly and then when he gets home there's nothing Jisung's tired body and mind can do other than a short troubled sleep. Funny how the school uniform and a pair of pajama was all that Jisung wore these days. Jisung lacked hours of sleep and was almost losing his appetite for a good meal. Donghyuck was always scolding Jisung for not eating enough proper food and tended to forcefully feed him once a while as little boy was losing weight day by day. But everyone knew that blaming Jisung would just make his condition worse as he was already so stressed and tired by the teachers and exams.

Jisung was sitting behind a desk in a library near his house. It was almost midnight and little boy felt like that it is the time to go back home as he finally finished studying. Packing up his books and notes, Jisung stood up. Ready for experiencing another nightmare in his sleep as he will reach for his bedroom in their house.

Little boy was hardly walking in the quiet hallway of library as his head felt dizzy.

Since the day Chenle talked about Areum...it's been two days that I keep on remembering her and the middle school days

Comparing my moments at middle school with these days at high school makes me kind of sad or tired

I'm so stressed and weary as if I'm an old business man or something. Man...It's been almost two years but I'm still not used to this school life

Jisung thought that the brown carpet under his feet is moving up and down. He was kind of nervous by the way his feet were freezing in his shoes. Just another step as the boy groaned from the sudden pain in his head. Losing his balance as he leaned on the wall besides him. Jisung squeezed his forehead. His head was aching so much to the point that he felt like his brain is about to explode.

Jisung took a deep breathe. "Uh...I can't. I should rest a bit before going outside"

Not really caring about what a passer by in the hallway may think while seeing him, Jisung just putted his backpack down as he sat on the floor in the middle of hallway all of a sudden.

Little boy was snuggling to himself. There was air conditioner at the whole library building but Jisung's body was freezing. As if the outside's winter weather is surrounding him. He Pulled the sleeves of the sweater he was wearing on his uniform more down in order to cover his shaky hands. Jisung felt like there was no blood rushing in his body. Once again the pain clutched on his head as Jisung closed his eyes while whimpering.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now