6. his jealousy, his ambition

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Even walking to the school in early morning was different at middle school.

Jisung wasn't alone. He didn't have the time to think about hopeless things. He didn't even got the time to realize how sleepy and tired he was. Little boy was just smiling and talking. Walking beside his friends; Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno.

other student passing them may ask themselves that why is there a freshman always hanging out with these three third graders. But none of the three seniors cared about their wonder. Hanging out with Jisung was fun for them. Even though Jisung's classmates may complain about how Jaemin, Jeno and renjun are stealing Jisung from them.

Still, Jisung was completely satisfied. summer was almost coming and spending time with these people in such a nice weather was fun for the little boy.

As Jeno and Renjun were chatting together, Jaemin felt bored not being able to stick through their conversation. as the youngest among of them all drew his attention, Jaemin walked towards Jisung who was walking a bit further. Suddenly the older groaned with such crying expression on his face. Putting his arms around Jisung's neck from behind. Now the poor younger boy was baring Jaemin's whole weight.

"I'm so sleepy! why should we go to school at such hot weather? I can't walk anymore. Give me a piggy back Jisungie" Jaemin whimpered.

It didn't take a second for Jisung to have the same expression as Jaemin. But the younger was more tired. Both Jeno and Renjun knew how Jisung should babysit over this apparently "hyung" of him everyday as the two were watching Jaemin embarrassing them in front of other students right at the school entrance gate.

Jisung groaned loudly. "Get down hyung! You know you're heavy!"

Jaemin pouted as he rested his chin on Jisung's shoulder. Refusing to let go of the younger as Jisung was still pulling him.

"You don't call a hyung heavy that's rude. Also I see how you walk further than me that's also rude. Don't treat your elder like this Park Jisung!!!"

Jaemin shouted his last sentence. Drawing other student's glance. Meanwhile Jeno and Renjun made a bit of distance from him as if they don't know Jaemin.

Jisung sighed. "Just what about you is like an elder...?"

Three girls passed by them. Watching Jaemin clinging to Jisung as they laughed shyly while chattering.

"Oh god he's so cute!"

They said quietly but it was completely heard by Jeno making him frown in disgust.

"What's so cute about you being such embarrassment and cringe?" Jeno said.

Jaemin smirked. "You're just jealous about me being this popular among ladies. Well, can't be helped right? I'm too outstanding"

Jeno just looked away as Jisung sighed again. Meanwhile Renjun was clenching his teeth.

"Suddenly I have the urge to strangle you" Renjun said.

Jaemin just smiled. Taking his time to enjoy being carried by poor Jisung.

"you see that girl walking towards us from the back? Just a few seconds later and I bet she'll call my name. Just watch it guys" Jaemin said confidently.


Just a second later as Jaemin finished speaking a feminine voice could be heard from behind. Both Renjun and Jeno stopped walking as their eyes widened.

Still, Jaemin kept smiling confidently. "told you"

"Uhm..." Jeno mumbled.

As Jaemin saw Jisung stop walking he felt something was wrong. It took a second for him to realize and have the same reaction as Renjun and Jeno. Finally Jaemin let go of Jisung. "The heck?!"

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now