14. February, the last time you smiled

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"So you guys are dating now!!! Congratulations!"

While everyone were sitting in the dinning hall, this was the first thing Jeno said with such cheerful tune as he saw the sight of the new person aside from Renjun and Jaemin who was sitting besides Jisung. Areum was there, giggling shyly as she turned her face to see Jisung's smiley blushed face.

"Hyung! Don't shout like that, you know the dean will kill us if he hears you"

Jisung whispered nervously as Jeno laughed at the sight of his embarrassed expression. The older couldn't help but to ruffle his little friend's hair playfully.

Meanwhile Renjun pouted, resting his chin on his arm on the top of the table.

He sighed. "It's been three years and not even a single girl confessed to me. Yet here you are Park Jisung, dating someone in your first year. Man! I'm jealous"

Jisung laughed as Jeno nodded his head in agreement.

"Right? We're not some prince charming like a jerk who keeps rejecting cute girls there and here all the day long"

Jeno said, rubbing Renjun's back with comfort as he was glancing at the only quiet person sitting with them. His words were referring to that person, Na Jaemin. Who remained quiet and didn't say even a single word from the moment they started gathering in the hall. But now, by Jeno's same old sarcastic words he finally raised his head. Looking at Jeno with a an arrogant sneer.

"What? You jealous?" Jaemin said.

"Hell yeah I am!" Jeno answered immediately.

As the two were busy glaring at each other, Renjun just decided to ignore the fact that he was sitting between them while he stared at Areum and Jisung happily.

"Anyways congrats guys!" Renjun said.

Both Jisung and Areum thanked the older as Renjun leaned back and glared at Jaemin with a firm expression.

"You mute or something? Say your congrats already" Renjun said.

Jaemin pouted. "I was waiting for you to stop blabbing"

Renjun clenched his teeth. "This Jerk-"

Before Renjun could say anything more, Jaemin looked back at Jisung and Areum. Smiling cheerfully as he leaned closer.

"Congrats! I'm glad that this isolated little brat is seeing you Areum-ah. Though it's still unbelievable that his awkward introverted ass managed to confess first" Jaemin said.

Areum chuckled. "Thank you, sunbae"

As Jaemin kept on smiling with his eyes closed, Jisung was staring at him.

Hyung...is not looking at us

During the February, it won't snow that much as the spring is near. Sun usually glows like today even though the beam is weak. As Jaemin was sitting besides the wide window, the reflection of sun glowing on snow looked so pale and spiritless on his smiling face. His words referred to the two yet none gained a single glance from his hidden eyes. Sun glittered on the curls of his eye lashes, Jisung kept his breathe in with fear by that sight. Thinking those are tears shining. For a second his hand jumped unwantedly and Jaemin noticed. Jisung looked down and bit his lip, clutching on his wrist. Why such an urge haunted him to wipe the tears that weren't even shedding?

Jaemin feared the little boy. Who would smile so truly yet look this emotionless?

Jaemin was deeply smiling, not a word he said felt like a lie as his honesty is something he would never hide. Yet such warn, fear, hesitate and untold words remained caged in him. Strangely visible through his simple smile.

until february 28 | jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now