Chapter 96: Motley Girls

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Tuesday, May 15th

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Tuesday, May 15th

We girls went out today to check some venues for Emi and Mick's surprise engagement party we're throwing for them. Mr. Udo called a couple of places to let them know we were coming. We had to choose a place today because the party was tomorrow. Plus, we wanted to decorate it as well. Some of Emi and Mick's friends were flying in today. I was also working with Jess to fly a very special person in.

"Tokyo disco?" I look up at the sign. "Is this a nightclub?"

Jess walks up to me. "Mr. Udo said this one is a very nice place. He said a lot of tourists rent the rooms in here."

"Is it a night club though?" Heather asks my question again.

"Yes." Jess snarled.

Heather, Jess, Donna, and I all came out together. So far, we checked out three places and didn't like them. I'm hoping this one will be it. We walked inside and looked around. The place was spacious I would say it's a little too big, there weren't a lot of us.

"Oh, wow the dance floor is huge." I walked in the middle.

"This place isn't bad." Donna looks around.

"Hello." A man comes out. "You are Mr. Udo's friends?"

"Yes, we are," Jess speaks up. "I'm Jess, and these are my friends." She points to us.

"Hello, I'm Peter, I'm the owner." He shakes her hand. "Hello, ladies." He waves to us.

Peter showed us around the venue. There were small rooms that we could have to ourselves if we wanted. There was also a stage and a bar for anyone who wanted to drink. Peter also said he could supply us with as much alcohol as we wanted. That was a no... the boys are sober.

"So, if anyone wanted to drink where would we go to have a drink?" Heather asks.

"There can't be drinking Heather the boys are sober." I look at her.

"Well, you guys can leave the room and go into the bigger venue bar to get a drink. You can just sit out there, drink, and then come back in." Peter explains.

"Honestly, Jess, I like this place." Donna walked towards the stage. "There's a lot we can do with it." She smirks.

"I like it too." She agrees. "I think we'll do this place."

"Alright, I told Mr. Udo that I would give you ladies a deal." He smiles. "Because you're his friends."

"That's great." Jess smiles.

"So are Mick and Emi paying for everything?" Donna asks.

"Nope," Jess speaks up. "This is her and Mick's engagement... Tommy, Vince, Nikki, and Fred can make the payment. Us girls can do the decorations."

"I think that's a great idea." I agree.

"Heather get Tommy's credit card, Iman get Nikki's, and I'll get Fred's."

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