Chapter 2: Bad Boys

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Warnings: Explicit Language

May 30th, 1984, New York

I was done filming for the day and had arrived back at my hotel. I didn't feel tired and wanted to go out exploring like I did the weeks earlier when I first came to New York.

"Come on Tamara please come out with me," I said grabbing her arm.

My manager Tamara who is 33 was my guardian whenever I would have to travel. We became close and Tamara built a good relationship and trust with my family. We both considered each other as friends but we sometimes had a mom-and-daughter relationship, I liked it.

"Honey I would only go out with you if you were getting a manicure and pedicure," Tamara said while looking at her nails. "Why don't you ask my assistant Theresa to go exploring with you?"

"Because she's not as fun as you, you have a lot of fun with me when we do go out." I walked and sat on Tamara's lap and put her arms around me.

Tamara kissed the top of my head. "How about this, you go out today with my assistant and then tomorrow I'll go out with you?"

"Ugh, fiiiiiiiiinnnnne." I said getting off her lap. I stopped to grab my book and headed out the door.

I had no intention of knocking on the assistant's door. I was going to go out on my own. Not too many people knew who I was, but some recognized me when I walked the streets. I walked for a while until I reached a little diner called Mendoza. It was small with not many people in there and I liked it. I took a seat in the booth and waited for the waiter while grabbing a menu.

"Hi good afternoon Ms. What can I get for you?"

"Ummmm, could I get the double cheeseburger with medium fries and this strawberry shake?" I said smiling with all my teeth showing. "It looks good."

I knew I wasn't allowed to eat all that much food, so I settled on something small.

"Sure thing, anything else for you Ms.?"

"No that will be all thank you."

The waiter brought my food, and the smell of it alone had me tackling the food like I was a football player. When I was done, I moved my tray to the side, brought out my book The Tails Men by Stephen King, and started reading. It had only been a couple minutes of reading when the door to the diner burst open and in came walking a bunch of guys wearing spikes and leather. There were about 8 of them and they all packed themselves around a table close to me. The waiter came up and took their orders then went back to get their food.

"Check out that chick, fuck she's hot." One of the guys stated.

"Hey, I think I've seen her before, like in a movie or something."

"Hey, princess." One of the guys started calling out. "Princess, are you ignoring me?"

The boys started laughing, hollering, whistling, and making remarks towards me, but I refused to give them any attention. Something Tamara had taught me was to never give disrespectful men your attention. I stuck by that. I kept my face plastered into the book but held my lady-like posture.

"What a bitch she's a fucking cunt." Stated one of the guys.

The waiter brought over the boy's food. "Here you go boys just wanted to let you know that I'm a... I'm a... big big big fan." He said while scratching his head.

"Thanks, man we love our fans." The one guy grabbed a napkin and signed it for him.

"Wow, thanks, Nikki appreciate it." The waiter took the napkin and left.

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