Chapter 40: Birthday Girl

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Wednesday, September 25, 1986


I woke up this morning feeling exhausted. I finished New York Fashion Week, then flew to London, and now I'm in Paris for ten days, after this I get to go home. And I can't wait to go home and see my family I miss them so much.

I dropped the phone after calling Nikki for the umpteenth time. I have been calling him for 3 days straight including today. All I kept getting was his answering machine. I got out of bed to get ready for the fashion show. I headed to the washroom to shower but stopped when I heard the phone ring. I ran back jumped on the bed and answered the phone with excitement.


"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Iman, Happy Birthday to you." My family sang on the phone.

"Oh, my goodness thanks, guys." I laughed.

"You're on speaker Iman, We're all here. How's everything going so far?" Selena asked.

"Everything is OK, I'm just here getting ready for the fashion show."

"Iman it's Mom, I hope you're also resting because you need your sleep. Traveling from country to country can tire out the body."

"I am, I had a week's break before coming to Paris. So, I was able to sleep in a bit. Where's Maya?"

"I'm here," Maya spoke up.

"Hey Maya, is everything OK?"

"Yeah, everything is OK. I miss you. When are you coming home?"

"I miss you too," I said with a shaky voice. "I'll be home soon. It's good to hear from you guys. I hope everything is OK at home?"

"Yeah, it is. And don't worry you'll be home soon. We got Maya an early Halloween costume so at least you will be able to be here to take her trick-or-treating with us." Felicia said.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss that for the world."

I spoke to my family a bit more before saying my goodbyes to them. I breathed out and headed back to the washroom to get ready. When I finished I heard a knock on my door. I walked to answer it.

"Happy Birthday sweetie!" Jess screamed as I opened the door. 

She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back and laughed. 

"Thanks, Jess." I giggled. 

"Someone got you a little present." She said letting me go and coming into my hotel room. "Now that person knows you love fashion so she sent you this dress so we can go out later for dinner." She says pulling out the dress. 

"This is a Azzedine Alaïa dress." I squealed. 

My eyes went wide when I saw it. 

The dress is expensive and not on the market. 

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