Chapter 6: Trouble After Paradise

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Warnings: Drug use

I was scared I was terrified. She was pacing the room using all kinds of profanity that I had never heard before. I didn't even swear so it was shocking hearing her swear. Theresa was in the room sleeping, she was out of it.

"This is unacceptable I can't.... I can't believe you Iman." She stared at me. "You're just beginning your career, and you're going to let some crush with a junkie ruin it all for you!" She yelled waving her hands in the air.

"Tamara I'm-"

"Do not interrupt me when I am talking. Your mom trusted me to take care of you and I am trying my best. What on God's earth made you go out? Especially with Nikki fucking Sixx! What do you think you're doing by going to the Rainbow? Do you know what that place is?"

I shook my head no. By this point, I knew I messed up.

"That boy doesn't give two shits about you, you're a game to him. That boy only cares about himself and drugs OK, drugs...nothing else. He can never love you or anyone else."

Tears started coming down my cheeks and I started to cry because I knew she was right.

"Iman listen." Tamara sighed and walked towards me. She sat down on the couch. "He can never love you OK? He's a junkie just like all the other guys he parties with. He will ruin you. None of those guys are worth your career." She whispered.

"I'm sorry." I hugged her and cried even more.

She rubbed my back and kissed my head. "You're better than he is. You need a decent guy, a respectable guy. Not Nikki Sixx. But all that will come to you when you're older. Right now, you need to focus on you and your career. And also, your schooling, cause your mom will kill me if you don't." She chuckled

"My mom must be really angry." I sniffed

"I didn't tell her, but you are going home for the rest of this month." She said with a stern voice.

"OK." I wiped my tears.

"I'll deal with Theresa tomorrow; you go get some sleep. You're leaving tomorrow." She got up and walked towards Theresa's bedroom.

I sat there staring at the walls. Tamara was right. I heard the way they talked about women and saw the amount of alcohol they drank. But she was wrong about something.... the drugs. I haven't seen Nikki or any of his band members doing it. But who knows, people do things behind closed doors so that no one can see them for what they are.

Next Morning

"I'm heading over to management I think I can get you into a big magazine shoot. And I got an audition for you for an upcoming movie next year in December."

"OK" I sighed

Tamara walked out of my room and headed towards the door. But stopped and turned to Theresa who was nursing her hangover.

"I hope you learned your lesson." She spoke sternly.

"Ugh my head hurts and yes I did."

"If you want to go out get drunk and do drugs do it by yourself. Do not take my creation with you. I've worked too hard on her." She whispered down to Theresa.

"She's a human being Tamara, also don't forget that she's a teen wanting to have fun. Not everything should be about work." Theresa responded with an angled voice.

"Like I said I've worked hard on her. Do not fuck this up for me or your ass will be on the street." She snapped.

Tamara walked out the door slamming it shut.

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