Chapter 18: Side Chick

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January 14, 1986

I didn't know exactly what me and Nikki were, but I loved the kiss we shared yesterday. Today he called earlier and invited me out to Tommy and Heather's little get-together at Heather's house. I was excited because I had never met Heather before, but I was a little nervous because the last time I saw Tommy he was upset about not being invited to the dinner I had with Vince in October when Motley came to Toronto Canada. Apparently, it was like a slap in the face to him. But I was hoping he could put it passed him and we could be good again. I even bought a cheesecake as a peace offering.

I was looking through my closet for something nice to wear. And honestly, there were so many unworn high-end fashion clothes in my closet. I love to shop but end up not wearing half of the stuff in my closet. And it was becoming packed in there to the point where I had no room for any other clothes. But I wouldn't dare to throw anything away. I found a cute top and skirt to wear. It was Givenchy, and I had the matching purse and heels to go with it. Tamara wasn't home, but I told her I was going out. I sat waiting for Nikki to call now, I grabbed a bite to eat while I sat and watched TV. He was supposed to come at 6:30 pm it is now 6:20 pm.

7:00 pm

Why is this reminding me of the last time we were supposed to go out? I sat here waiting for him but of course, he didn't show up. I wasn't going to sit here and be a moping mess waiting for Nikki to come. I decided to call Vince and ask if he could pick me up.


"H... hey Vince, it's Iman, how are you?" I asked twirling the phone cord.

"Hey doll what's up?"

"Nothing much, Nikki invited me to Heather and Tommy's get-together. He was supposed to pick me up but I haven't heard anything from him. I was wondering if you would be able to swing by and come and get me please?"

"Uh sure but I won't get there till about 8. I'm not even ready yet myself." He chuckled.

"That's alright, I'll be down in my lobby around 8 so you don't have to call me down."

"Sure, that sounds good doll. I'll also call you to let you know when I'm leaving."

"Alright, thanks bye." I hung the phone up. I can always count on Vince.

Vince picked me up and we headed down to Heather's house. It was really big, bigger than my house in Canada. We got out of the car and walked to the door. Vince rang the doorbell and we waited for someone to answer.

"Hi, good evening?" The butler greeted.

"Hi, I'm Vince Neil and this is Iman Darlington we're here for Tommy." He spoke up.

"Yes, Vince he is expecting you. Come right in please." He moved to the side and let us in.

The house was decorated so nicely. It was a rich-person type of setup, with marble floors, white carpet, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was a dream house, my dream house for when I get married and have my own family. We walked into the living room where we heard chattering and laughter.

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