Chapter 58: Nikki Deceitful Sixx

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Flash Back

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Flash Back

"I need help! Someone help me please!" The driver shouted as he ran into the hospital.

"What happened to her?" The nurse said as she came running towards the driver.

"I found her in the parking lot!"

The nurses and doctors came running grabbing Iman's body from the driver and placing her on the stretcher. The nurse pushed the stretcher into the operating room and hooked her onto the vital signs monitor which showed her heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, and respiration.

"What do we have?" The doctor asked.

"Stab wound on the back. Doctor she's lost a lot of blood."

"Get her into surgery immediately." The doctor demanded.

The driver quickly ran to the front desk phone.

"Can I use the phone quickly!" He breathlessly panicked and tried to catch his breath.

The secretary gave him the phone and he dialed the convention center number to get a hold of Fred.

"Hello," Fred answered.

"Hello, it's me the driver." He choked out.

"Ok, where is she?"

"In the operating room."

"Ok have the cops talked to you yet?"

"Not yet."

"Ok, write this number down," Fred demanded.

The driver asked the nurse for a pen and paper and wrote the number that Fred gave him.

"Listen to me carefully. That's Nikki's hotel room number ok. I need you to grab her passport and her credit card from Slash. You are going to say you found those items on her when the police ask you questions. As for the number, you're going to call the hotel. A guy named Doc is going to answer and pretend like he's Nikki. You're going to tell the cops that you called the person on that number to let them know you found a girl named Iman Darlington in a parking lot and you brought her to the hospital. Do you understand?" Fred spoke firmly.

No response.


"Y... yeah." The driver said with a shaky voice.

"I know it's hard and you're scared. But I need you to stay focused right now."


"Breath in and out. Are the boys outside?"

"Y... yeah... their... their... outside."

"Ok good keep them there. Let Nikki know that when Doc and Doug get there we can all go into the hospital. Make sure there is no blood on Nikki or Slash. You should be only with blood on you."

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