Chapter 23: Deny Deny Deny

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February 13th, 1986

Today was dress rehearsals because tomorrow was the big show. Our director was talking to us about everything that would be happening and our schedules. We all put on each of the gowns we would be wearing in our right spots. I and 5 other girls were on the catwalk more than the other girls. I guess it's because we already did runway and we knew what to do already. But this show was going to be big. The amount of money we were getting paid to do this show was big too. I think I would like to celebrate by going on a mini vacation after this. Wait for no...I won't be able to just, yet I have Milan fashion week. So, I guess after that.

Nikki called this morning before I left. He wanted to take me sightseeing. I agreed to go but on the condition that we go on the Mega sightseeing tour bus. I still didn't get a chance to go on it. We're going to meet up after I'm done rehearsals and then from there, I'll watch them play tonight. But I told him no partying for me. I have a big day tomorrow.

"Alright, ladies I need you to all come out here!" The director yelled. "Ok, this is what's going on with our schedule tomorrow." He brought the schedule out and started reading from it. "We have:

9:00 Catwalk
18:00 Presentation, Amanda Wakeley 11:00 Catwalk, On|Off Presents BFC 13:00 Catwalk, Supriya Lele BFC Show 13:30 - 15:30 DiscoveryLAB.
14:00 Catwalk
15:00 Catwalk
16:00 Catwalk
17:30 - 19:30 Presentation
18:00-19:00 Catwalk
20:30 Fashion Presentation

"Any questions."

We all looked at him and shook our heads no. "Good, get some sleep ladies you need to be here for 7 am sharp."

We got back to the hotel and, Rach, Mel, and Jade sat down at the hotel restaurant to grab some lunch. All that walking back and forth made us hungry.

"You know what after the whole show I'm going to binge on cheeseburgers." Jade laughed.

"You're lucky I can't I have Milan fashion week next." I smiled.

It all went quiet. The girls looked up at me with wide eyes and parted mouths. Did I say something I should not have?

"Wait how the hell did you get Milan fashion week?" Rachel asks with confusion.

"Oh, I don't know, Tamara my manager booked it for me," I responded.

"Wow, Tamara knows how to get what she wants." Rachel snorted.

"Is there a problem?" I snap harshly.

"Nooo it's just some of us have been working harder and longer. And it's not fair that because Tamara used to walk the European shows she should get to bring in her models. It should be based on talent." She grumbles.

"Well then maybe get a manager who's been in the business and you'll get better bookings." My voice was extremely bitchy when I said that. How dare she come at me because her manager does not know how to book her shows?

"Alright girls stop with the petty attitudes we're all friends and need to support each other." Mel budded in trying to calm us both.

We both rolled our eyes and continued to eat.


I heard an all too familiar voice call me. I looked up to see that it was Nikki. He was standing in front of my table. He was wearing his long black shiny leather coat with leather pants. His hair was teased all over the place and he had his cross earring dangling low close to his shoulder. He was smiling down at me like a boy looking at his crush.

"We should start heading out to go sightseeing." He looked at his watch. "I booked the tour bus." He grinned.

I stayed silent. My heart was beating 50 times faster than a normal person. I did not know what to say or do. If I responded yes, the girls would look at me with disgust. But if I responded no, Nikki would probably get angry and start throwing things and yelling. And that would be embarrassing.

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