Chapter 1

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Lisa pushes Jennie's luggage into her apartment, the very owner of the luggage follows her in after.

Lisa huffed as she looked at the girl who was very much of a bitch to ask her, no, to tell her what to do.


"You've got to be kidding me." Lisa sighed. Her mother had made a promise where she should give up on her carreer for her whole life or, the opposite. She doesn't even know that her mother was this crazy.

"It won't be long, all I'm asking you is one month, darling." Maria pleads. She looks at Jennie who gave her a blank expression. "You really agreed to this?"

"They gave me the same threat, what'd you expect?"

"Okay fine." Lisa looked at both Kims. "If we do this, and we don't feel anything, we're going to walk away and never do this kind of things again." Janet Kim was very much satisfied with the offer as much as Maria is.

So Jennie quickly stood up and pulled Lisa, going to the car. "Your place or mine?" Jennie sounded uninterested, which is truly for both of them. "If you ask me, I'd say mine."

"Okay then, yours it is. Grab my luggage." Said the brunette before she gets in Lisa's car, leaving the dark haired girl gawking at her.

She grumbled, "God damn bitch."


She had to admit, Lisa's house wasn't at all like she expected; neither too big nor too small, the living room's walls painted in a shady blue while the furniture were all in cream white. It seems cozy yet elegant, the fireplace made of bricks clearly never used before. Photos on the wall were mostly new, especially the Eiffel Tower one.

"Where's my room?" She asked after looking around. Lisa pointed to a door, which was half open, and when Jennie opened the door, her slight amazed gaze once again on display.

Unlike the other room, it was more lively and bright, the dusty gray wall that was contrasted with the woods furniture. Jennie hummed as she sat on the bed, before she looks up and sees Lisa, leaning on the door frame, with raised eyebrows and arms crossed.


"Nothing," Lisa roams her eyes in the room, then back at Jennie, "The room is small though, but I just cleaned it a few days ago," she said. Jennie squinted her eyes, "I'll survive. At least my mom won't burn my inside anymore." she huffed making Lisa snorts.

"So tell me, Jennie, what do you do? Your age?" Lisa hums, eyes squinting, "Anything?" she sat on the sofa across the bed.

Jennie observed the girl's feature, then tilted her head slightly.

"Lawyer, worked for 4 years now, 25," she met Lisa's eyes, big and shining as she looks at Jennie without blinking. "That's it. Tell me 'bout yourself now."

"Lalisa Manoban, 26 and I'm a photographer, if you still can't tell from those photos around the house." Lisa shrugged.

She stood up and held out her hand, which Jennie took, before shaking, "One month," Jennie repeated what Lisa said, lowly, before adding in her mind, in hell.

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now