Chapter 28

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The morning light of the sunbeams Lisa's face through the opening of her room's curtain, waking her up from her sleep.

Despite that, the first thing Lisa sets her eyes upon the moment they open is the woman next to her; hair disheveled, brows frowning and lips pouting, and Kuma in between them. The view never failed to bring a smile to her face.

It's today.

She thought of waking Jennie up, but last night was super cold, added to the fact that it was raining heavily along with the flashes of lightning, waking Jennie up almost 5 times last night.

Lisa believes that she probably had just fallen asleep into an actual deep slumber, and so she does not want to disturb her. After all, she only needs to get the results and bring them back to her beloved woman.

With a kiss on Jennie's frowning forehead, she gets up and prepares herself, washing her face and brushing her teeth before she chose to match her black overall with a cream-colored turtleneck and a black oversized blazer, her long black hair as beautiful as ever waves along the wind.

She looks at Jennie one last time. "I'll be back." She whispers more likely to herself, before leaving for the hospital.

When she arrived, the hallway was noisy, but not crowded. The nurse at the counter recognizes her at first sight, smiling sweetly. "Hi, an appointment with Doctor Min, right?" Lisa nods, and the nurse shows her to the doctor's room.

"Lisa! Come on in." He beams when he saw Lisa, and she smiles back at him, but when she sits down, his smile turns into a professional straight face and she tenses up, her smelling sense becomes aware of the smell of medicines around the room.

She clears her throat. "So what's the result of my scans?" He looks at her, licking his lips as he tries to form the right words for her.

"Ms. Ma--"

"Lisa, please call me Lisa."

"Okay, Lisa. We've managed to retreat your results from our lab yesterday." He starts, and although she hates everything in his room, she stayed focus, on all he had to say to her.


Kuma kept nudging the side of Jennie's abdomen, his small paws massaging her from time to time. She finally couldn't take it anymore and woke up. "Hello, Kuku."

She blinks a few times, adjusting herself to the lighting of the room. The dog barks when the brunette pets him, "Where did Lisa go, Kuku?" She asks in a high-pitched voice as if the dog could answer her.

Just then she heard the front door open and close, and she bites her lips. Her feet step on the cold floor. "Come on, come on." She ushers Kuma to run to the living room with her.


She halts herself when Lisa asks her, "Did I wake you up?" She shakes her head, stepping closer to hug her girlfriend. "I've been awake for a few minutes already. Where did you go?"

"The studio." She states simply. Jennie pulls away, "This early?" She asks, her eyes moving to the clock on the wall; 11.23 a.m.

Lisa chuckles, wrapping her arms around Jennie's torso, "Eleven in the morning is not early, beautiful." She mumbles before pecking her on the mouth. "I forgot my camera's charger, had to go there. Sorry, I left you waking up alone."

Jennie smiles. "Lucky me, I've got Kuma." They chuckle as the dog barks at them, spinning around in excitement.

Jennie wanted to hug Lisa again but Lisa quickly pulls away and turns around, her hand comes up to hold the side of her abdomen as her face scrunches in pain. It was the sharp pain again, making Jennie worried. "Hey, does it hurt still?"

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now