Chapter 13

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29 hours left;

They decided that the evening would be better to be filled with hard drinks, maybe not too hard, but hard enough to take their minds off the unspoken truth.

Lisa sits there and wonders, as she stares at the brunette who was slurring incoherent words, her eyes furrows, and she chuckles at something only she would ever know.

Lisa smiles along, "What's so funny?" Jennie looks at her as if she was supposed to be listening, which she was, but maybe it's the words. "I need more Cosmopolitan," she pokes Lisa's cheek, "Can you get me some?"

"I think that's enough," Lisa says softly. She takes off her coat and wraps it around Jennie, the air of the evening feeling more freshening than ever. Jennie frowns as she glances at the person beside her who had Cosmopolitan in hand, the pink blueish alcohol splashing around.

Jennie nods at the glass, "I love the colour, it's like the sky right now, the two different shades mixes perfectly, so clear." she beams, a soft hum following right after she finishes her sentence, and Lisa could only blink.

Lisa didn't know she spaced out, until there's warm fingers nudging hers on the bar counter, pinky intertwining her pinky, and she looks up to see Jennie looking at her with those shiny eyes.

Silently, their hands intertwine and a slight smile forms on Lisa's face.

It's okay, she thought, if things are meant to be, then it's meant to be. The only thing she needs to give is time, and everything will be fine.


27 hours left;

Jennie had her arms wrapped around Lisa's as they stroll down the night city, her head bouncing on Lisa's shoulder everytime they step.

Lisa stops them, and Jennie just wants to protest because she was enjoying it. Her eyes were glaring, much to Lisa's credit, cutely that it made Lisa smile.

"Let's go home."




She huffs, tucks her tiny fists in Lisa's coat pockets and storms away, leaving a chuckling Lisa behind.

24 hours left;

Lisa couldn't sleep. She's been tossing and turning on her bed, impatiently waiting for the sun to rise and at the same time, hoping it'll never rise.

It'll be much easier that way.

Lisa can take all the time she needs to figure out what she's doing, and what she wants right now.

Why is she even thinking about this?

What's there to be thunk about even?

Right, Jennie's leaving tomorrow. A muffled groan escapes her lips, leaning on her elbows for support as she pulls her face upwards, hovering over the pillow.

"Pull yourself together." Lisa scolds herself in a half-whisper voice. She takes a few deep breath, and calmly, - or at least it looked calmly - slumps back with her face upwards.

Her eyes twitches, betraying her attempt to close them and sleep. But her train of thoughts once again was cut off when her door creaks, and Lisa sits up.


They made eye contact, "I thought you were asleep already." Jennie reasoned out, and Lisa could hardly make out the particular part of Jennie's cheeks turned one shade darker. Lisa clears her throat before answering, "It seems like you can't sleep too."

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now