Chapter 21

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What does a love package look like?

Would it be full of roses, laughters with romance and intimate feelings? Or would it be a garden full of thorns, a maze with endless and confusing roads?

Jennie wishes it was the former.

But she knows better that love isn't or, it's and. Couples could start all happy but end miserably, or it could start miserably and end happily.

But then there's also those couples that starts happily and remains the same, while the other half of the group would start miserably and end miserably.

Just as human need to breathe to survive, love also needs a breath of fresh air to flourish. Giving one's relationship what it needs to thrive is a truly loving gesture from both sides of the relationship.

Love takes more than just loving each other: It takes patience, want, honesty, communication, commitment.

What if one falls in love, but can't commit?

Committing is a serious decision, and Jennie had made more than just one serious decision, after all she's a lawyer. But it never involved her devoting herself to anyone.

She drags a long sip from her cup of coffee as she stares outside the café, people walking down the snowy path, and she feels grateful that her coffee was still warm despite how long she has been spacing out.

"That photographer must be dating the model, you can't convince me otherwise."

"Who? Lisa and Rosé?" The schoolgirls squeals as they sit one table away from Jennie, and their conversation spikes Jennie's curiosity.

"I thought they were bestfriend from when they were young?" The first girl speaks again, and the other one nods, "And you don't think they would fall in love? Did you see how they were literally screaming romance earlier?"

The first girl sighs, dreamingly saying her wish out loud. "I wish I could date Lisa too." She chuckles when her friend replies, "I'd rather date Rosé." Jennie looks outside the window again, are the girls talking about rumours or was it official?

She never felt this desperate to know something, and she ought to find out.


Rosé strucks another pose as Lisa keeps clicking the shutter, moving around to find the perfect angle with a soft smile behind the camera.

They have been staying inside for too long, so Rosé had suggested for a walk in the park, though it was mostly snow. She roams her eyes around, noticing that most of the passers-by were teenagers, and they were all whispering among themselves as their eyes keep glancing towards her and Lisa.

"These kids must think we're dating." Lisa whispers from behind, her hot breath tickling her ear and she flinch away with a light laugh. Rosé grins at her, "Aren't we though?"

Lisa's eyes met one of the girl's who quickly waves at her, and she smiles back, her hand calling out for her, "You familiar with cameras?" She asks and the girl squeals as she nods, her friend snatching the snacks from her so she can take the camera.

"Take a picture of us."

Lisa runs to Rosé, half squatting so Rosé can jump on her back. They were both chuckling at how Lisa struggles to maintain her for the piggyback, and the two girls were grinning, literally thinking the two were dating.

"Thank you!" Rosé smiles to the two, and she took quick selfies since they were her fans, then she waves them good bye as the girls walked away.

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now