Chapter 7

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Warning : Long chapter


The brunette smiles widely as she finally gets to meet her mother, who also happened to stay in Busan for business, and thought she would pay a visit to her daughter.

She hugs Janet, "Why didn't you bring Lisa?" her mother asks which made Jennie wince, after that night, Jennie had barely talked to Lisa - not that the other even bothered - and it's been 3 days already.

"She's busy preparing for her photoshoot, how long will you be in town? I'll bring her when she's free." Janet nods, she was planing to stay a little longer.

Sitting there, Jennie starts to look back on how her life took a turn in this mess, the frustration of her confusing feelings, added to her new discover of her partner's dark secret.

Hell it was hard to cope up.

Her mother, - knowing something was bothering her daughter, based on the deep lines formed on her forehead - insists on going for shopping, so Jennie joined her, she could really use some activity to distract her and also, she misses this.

Hours into shopping, Jennie finally got a chance to rest her feet while her mother was busy in the changing room. Then, her phone suddenly buzzed, the first notification was Lisa's name.

'Cancel any plans for tonight, I want to take you somewhere. ;)'

She frowns, did she sent the message to the wrong person or she actually asked her to go out with her?

Then another notification, from the same person.

'And wear a dress, it's formal.'

That adds to her curiosity, she's now sure Lisa chatted the right person. Despite hesitating, she still replied 'okay' before shoving her phone back in her Chanel purse.

Lisa must finally realized that they haven't actually had a real talk, Jennie hoped so, because she was excited and looking forward for tonight.

Lisa just asked her out.


Jennie checks herself in the mirror, her jet black locks waves all the way to her upper chest, the red dress hugging her body, loose and tight in all the right places. Back in high school, Jennie was bullied and given names for being ugly and fat, it left a mark in her heart even though she graduated with flying colours.

Now, she had herself improved and gained more self-confidence, knowing that she had grown into a desirable woman.

With a smile, she picked up her small red purse to match her dress and walked out the room.

When she arrived, there was Lisa, her back towards her so she can't really see that Jennie was already there, so she approaches the girl and gave a soft tap on the girl's shoulder.


On Lisa's behalf, her mind stops functioning the moment her eyes laid on Jennie. She was beautiful, beyond beautiful. While she was busy gawking at Jennie, she didn't know that the brunette was doing the same.

Lisa had wore a plain white shirt tucked in her black wide legs pants that matches with the black blazer and she looked stunning, Jennie believes, with her wavy black hair reaching her shoulders blade.

Lisa was the one to stop staring first and clears her throat, suddenly her confidence washed away as she finally realized Jennie had been looking at her outfit with an unreadable gaze, "I didn't bring much casual outfits and I didn't had time to go shopping s--"

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