Chapter 14

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Nope, wouldn't end it there.
Also, this chapter will mostly (all of it) be Chaelisa, so please, no hate on them.

5 months later

The sky was, not moody, but definitely dark with the hint of autumn, brown and yellow leaves all over the town. People started to wear thick scarf around their neck, in hope to stay warm from the breezy air.

Lisa sighs in content as she lets her eyes roam out the window, eyes narrowing when a soft smile appears on her face.

"What do you think of this one?"

Her head snaps back to look at the ring on the other girl's finger. She smiles, "That one?" she asks softly, ready to get another one so she can match with her.

Rosie nods, a huge grin still plastered on her face and Lisa was sure the numbness had spread to her too. She looks at the young lady behind the counter and nods, sliding the money before smiling at Rosie again.


"So where else do you want to go?" Lisa asks softly, tucking loose strands of Rosie's hair behind her ear. Rosie hums, "Anywhere that you'd want to go," she considers, before adding, "Just not bars." Lisa agree, "Noted."

They ambled, wherever their feets will bring them to, and that ends up being a bar, and both the girls had to laugh at the scheme. Nevertheless, they got in and sat at the high end of the bar's counter.

"I'll take whatever you take." Lisa informs, later two shots of Tequila shoved their way, and she glares at the glass. It wasn't early, but too early to be having hard drinks despite the fact that she loves them.

And Rosé, well she just always knows, a smirk forms on her lips, "Come on, Lis. What's stopping you?" Rosé challenged before gulping down what's left in her own glass, side-eyeing her partner with a challenging smirk dancing behind the rim of her glass.

In other occasions, Lisa would've argued and stand her ground, but this time she thinks drinking a few hours earlier than her usual time won't be that bad. So she drinks, and a few more hours into the night later, her friend was a whole bubbly drunk woman while Lisa, once again, glares her with a short note in mind to kill her partner tomorrow.

"Rosie, I'm going to the bathroom. Stay here!" She made sure her voice was stern, and her partner would listen to her. When she pouts, Lisa knows that she obeys, after all, drunksé isn't as active as her usual self.

With that, Lisa pulls herself away from the high chair and stumbles to the bathroom, washing her face with cold water, feeling how hot her cheeks were from the alcohol flowing in her veins.

As soon as she opens the door, a girl -seemingly too busy mumbling something as she tries to scratch away a dirty stain on her shirt, hairs falling on both side of her head, - bumped into her.

The girl huffs, "Sorry." Lisa narrows her eyes, the girl didn't even bothered to look up, and Lisa can't see her face, so she replies instead, "You surely do love that shirt too much, just wash it off with water, it'll go away."

She didn't let the girl reply as she storms away back to where Rosé was supposed to be at, but apparently, she wasn't.

Lisa once again curses the fate for the things happening. She spins around in search of her friend, until a short, brunette with soft eyes taps her shoulder. "Are you searching for someone?"

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