Chapter 26

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| Warning: Slight smut |

Jennie woke up to the cold senses of no arms around her bare waist, or the bare front of someone pressed against her naked back.

She frowns, eyes going straight to the clock on the bedside table; 7.35 a.m.

It was dark in the bathroom, so Lisa surely isn't there, she notices Lisa's bra and shorts weren't where she had thrown last night too.

She pulls her feet from under the blanket, bare on the cold floor as she wraps the blanket tightly around her petite body and runs a hand through her dishevelled hair.

As she walks out the room, Lisa came in sight, a mug in her hand and another hand pressed against the fridge. Jennie steps closer and wraps her arms around Lisa's abdomen.

"Let's go back to bed." She yawns a bit, making Lisa smile because of the way it sounded. She turns around and hugs Jennie. "Still tired?" She asks, nose inhaling the soft scent of Jennie's hair.

They stood like that for a few more minutes before Lisa notices that Jennie was kissing her collarbone, hands tightening on her waist. She hums, "I guess you're not."

"I still have something to taste." Jennie smirks, hands ghosting over Lisa's waistband. "Fuck, you're not wearing an underwear." She breathes out.

Lisa smiles, "Says the girl who's only wrapped in a blanket." Jennie stops for a mere second to show her you-have-a-point face before Lisa pulls her head close to her breast again, leaning herself to the counter.

"You promised me something last night."

"Did I?" Jennie hums in delight, her hot mouth going lower and lower, her knees touches the cold floor, but she couldn't care less, her face could feel the heat from between Lisa's thighs. Her hands pushes them apart, moaning at the faint smell of arousal through her shorts, "You're such a good girl."

"Reward me." Lisa smirks, taking off her shorts and moaning loudly as Jennie kisses the inside of her thighs.

Their eyes never breaking, as Jennie runs her tongue through her lips once, shivering at the taste of her lover. God would know she was already addicted.

She licks her way up again, taking Lisa's clit into her mouth, her grip on Lisa's thighs tighten as Lisa breathes out a deep moan. She runs a hand down to her own clit, circling it as she continues to suck her lover.

Her lover.

"God, Jen." Lisa looks down, taking in the admiration and determination in Jennie's eyes as her fingers close in Jennie's hair, tugging sightly. "You're such a good girl."

"Just for you." Jennie breathes out, before she plunges two fingers into Lisa, both inhaling a deep breath, before she starts going at it with abandon, fast and hard as her other hand occupies itself on her own clit, reaching the climax fast.

Her tongue presses against Lisa's clit, hot and wet as she flicks it along with the rhythm of her fingers. "Cum." She demanded, "Cum now, baby."

With a loud gasp, Lisa came undone. Her breathing was unstable and her chest tight with emotion, that was yet the best orgasm she had achieved this whole month.

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