Chapter 19

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There's many reason for Lisa to not ever get involved in any relationship that involves love, or a much more open word-- Feelings.

It becomes a distraction, yes, but that's not the real reason. Lisa has always been scared of rejection, even the word tastes bitter on her tongue. She never really made any move to any of the people she ever liked because it could either bring her to rejection with embarrassment, or rejection with pain, and believe me, that's two whole different feelings.

Maybe if she had a dick, she could fuck and leave. But she doesn't have it, and even if she did, she wouldn't let her dick think for her instead of her head. So no, Lisa wouldn't fuck and leave.

Except that she does with Rosé. She might have never noticed, because Rosé never really said anything either, after all, she's the one who had pushed all these things to Lisa. And it's not that Lisa doesn't like it, but ever since this whole Jennie problem, Rosé has been more pushing than ever.

She would show up at Lisa's out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, pushing her to the wall as she starts to unbutton Lisa's pajamas as her tongue thrusts into Lisa's mouth. Lisa wanted to push her away, but this one felt more personal than it ever felt. So instead she kisses back and tugs at her skirt, sliding along the walls in the dark all the way to the room.

Rosé slumps down beside Lisa, pulling the cover over their naked body. Lisa huffs when Rosé hugs her waist, "Did something happened?" Lisa asks, voice low as she stays at the edge, not wanting to push her friend. Rosé sighs, "My father came home." Lisa frowns, she thought on checking Rosé's body for any bruises, but she didn't find any earlier, so it couldn't possibly be there now.

"Did he do anything bad?" Rosé snuggles closer to her friend, this was what she needs right now, her best friend. "I left before he could say anything, he wasn't even sober, Lisa."

"I'm sorry." Lisa kisses the top of Rosé's head. Rosé had worked hard to be the one she is now, to be perfect in front of cameras, in front of the world, to hide her bitter life under her successful career. But she could never hide anything from Lisa, because Lisa has always been there, even when Rosé doesn't want her to.

She grew up with an alcoholic and abusive father. He never listened to his wife nor his daughter, saying slurs to them because he thinks that he was always right, he would leave and be M.I.A for a whole year, and then returns just so he could raise a hand on his wife and daughter.

That's pretty much how she met Lisa too. When he was very wasted one time, he was about to beat her in the front yard, not minding that the neighbors were watching. But then there was Lisa, pushing him away and pulled her along to run together to Lisa's tree house.

Rosé smiles when the memories flooded back in her mind. "I don't want to go home, Lisa." She whispers, her voice so vulnerable and shaky, and Lisa had the urge to keep her safe, because she promised  - to herself and to Rosé - that she'll be there whenever she needs.

"You can stay here."


"Jen? Jennie!"

Jennie looks up at Jisoo, who was looking back at her with worried eyes. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out." She blinks, "I'm fine, maybe I had too much caffeine." She smiles curtly, and Chahee, her other best friend shot her a disapproving look.

"You shouldn't have ordered coffee then," Chahee owned a coffee shop a few blocks away from Jennie's firm, and on Tuesdays, she close early, so Jennie hangout with Jisoo there on Tuesdays because it's more quite and she could focus easily.

But today she couldn't even focus on her friends.

"See? She's spacing out again." Jisoo sighs as she pats Jennie's shoulder, "What is it that's bothering you?" Jisoo asks her, and she shrugs. "Nothing, I've been feeling really stressed ever since that case I lost, and I might have been drinking too much coffee because of it." She frowns deeply.

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