Chapter 24

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This year's Christmas somewhat looked merrier, Jennie thought as she absent-mindedly stare outside the car's window. People were everywhere, some were even walking down the streets with pine trees in trolleys.

She turns to look at all the toys and gadgets Lisa had bought earlier, "Where exactly are we going again?" She asks softly, and Lisa smiles, although her eyes were still on the snowy road.

"You'll see."

It was three hours later that Jennie realised, Lisa was the Santa for the new orphanage outside of the town, one that Jennie never knew existed.

"Lisa!" Came one of the Sisters, hugging the young girl tightly before she gave a quick glance to Jennie, "Girlfriend?" She asks, and Jennie nods, a shy smile plastered on her face.

The Sister bows slightly, before she helps Lisa who was already taking out the gifts for the kids. As they entered, her heart clenched at the sight of young children running around, looking all happy-go-lucky despite the lack of love and care from their biological parents.

"Are you okay?" Lisa whispers into her ear, her hot breath warming her neck as Lisa's palm presses on her lower back. She sighs, "The world's too cruel for these kids." She replies, and Lisa nods.

"That's why a place like the orphanage house exists." Lisa says as a matter-of-fact. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the kids." Jennie hums as she follows Lisa closely, entering one room that had 'Dining Room' written on the door.

The kids' eyes lit up the moment Lisa came into their sight, all running to hug Lisa's legs, and Jennie just stands there, a soft smile on her face as her heart fills up with emotions.

"Lili, who's that?" Asks one of the kids who noticed Jennie, and she kneels to match the boy's level, "I'm Jennie, Lisa's girlfriend." She says in a cute voice, and Lisa grins at her. "I'm Ash and I'm 5 years old." He introduces himself.

"Also, you're beautiful." The boy adds as he proceeds to hug Jennie.

"Aw, you're cute!" Jennie squeals as she picks him up, and the boy cackles, small arms still wrapped around her neck.

"Let's check the gifts, shall we?" Lisa says full of enthusiasm, matching the kids' vibe.

She leans on the table full of gifts as she calls out names and passes the gifts to each kids, Jennie standing beside her with the boy still in her arms. "Is Lili good to Nini too?" The boy asks cutely, and Jennie smiles. "Lili is good. She's amazing."

"She is." He beams, and Jennie asks, "Does Lili come here often?" All the time she was speaking to the kid, her voice was high yet soft, childlike might be the word.

He nods, "Lili brings big chickens when it's fanksgivin' and brings gifts when it's Chrifmas," Jennie couldn't help but chuckle at his cute words.

"You're really cute, you know that?"

"Ash loves Nini!"

"Oh no, you're stealing my girlfriend!" Lisa pretends to be hurt as she puts one hand on her chest and the other covers her eyes. Jennie playfully slaps her arm, eliciting a soft giggle from her.

"This is for you, Ash." Lisa taps the big box on the table, and he wiggles as Jennie puts him down, too excited to see what's inside the big wrapping.

The room was full of happy kids, some were already either playing with the toys or setting up the gadgets, either way they had huge smiles on their face.

Ash was also beaming as he asks the two Sisters to help him unwrap the gift, while Lisa hugs Jennie.

"I love you a lot." Jennie whispers, kissing the side of Lisa's jaw due to their height differences, but it still looked sweet to the Sister who was looking at them.

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