Chapter 23

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|Warning: long chapter|

The weather was colder than yesterday, Lisa had noticed as she snuggled half of her face into the puffy jacket she's wearing. Jennie was sick and had requested for the delicious croissant across Lisa's house, which she's now waiting in line for.

Tomorrow, it's Christmas, and she had thought of inviting all of her family for dinner, but it's such a shame that her mother and her father were already going back to Thailand.

"What's with the face, dear?" Lisa looks up from her feet to meet a pair of dark green eyes staring at her. The old woman was shaking but not from the cold, Lisa knew. "Nothing much," She smiles politely, and the elder woman replies, "I've lived long and got 3 kids, 'nothing much' means something's wrong. You can talk to me."

She looked like she was in her seventies, maybe a bit older, but Lisa doesn't mind. If she shares her thoughts with this kind of old stranger, it wouldn't do her much, but she might get some good opinions from the elder.

"Tomorrow's my first Christmas with my first ever girlfriend, like a real girlfriend." The older woman shifts, her green eyes showing interest, "I don't know what I should do to make it special."

"What's your name, dear?"


"Lisa," the woman repeats, a soft hum follows shortly after the name, "Making the day special isn't what matters. Making your partner feel special is what matters. Sometimes, simple is more than enough, and do something that she loves." Older people are always wise.

Lisa smiles, "Let me pay for your order." The older woman laughs, the side of her eyes wrinkles more, which made Lisa's smile bigger, "I don't take no for answers."

She did pay for the elder, and before she could walk away, the elder had said to her, "I'd suggest you finish the day with a slow dance." Lisa wishes the wise elder a great year.


"Hm, she does look like a bad person." Lisa comments on the movie they were watching. Jennie wanted to go out, saying that she felt better, but Lisa disapproves since it was cold and even if she did feel better, she would still get her flu back as soon as she steps out.

So they had settled down to a random movie that Lisa had put on Netflix. For some reason, Lisa was enjoying this crime-based movie, which surprised herself since she wasn't the crime type.

Might be the perks of having a lawyer girlfriend.

"So tomorrow's Christmas," Lisa starts, her hand gently brushing down her girlfriend's hair, "Do you want to go to your mother's house?" She had thought about it for a while, and when Jennie puts her head on her chest, legs tangled with hers, she ought to do everything Jennie wants her to.

"Sure." Jennie replies, her voice still hoarse from her sickness. "How are you feeling?" Lisa asks again, and Jennie shrugs, "Better but right now, not better enough."


"I want to kiss you, but I can't, I want to bite you but can't either." Jennie huffs when Lisa chuckles.

Lisa's hand stops brushing, but her fingers massage Jennie's scalp. "Why would you bite me?" Jennie hums, her head moving back to get more friction from Lisa's fingers, "So we can be sick together."

"If I get sick, who would take care of you?"

"We can take care of each other." Jennie argues. She was ready to bite Lisa's shoulder, but the photographer squeaks away. "Get well soon, and then you can bite me anywhere you want."

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