Chapter 25

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| Warning: long chapter and smut |

Lisa was quiet the whole time they were at the hospital.

She only gave Jennie a slight smile as she walks into the change room so she can prepare for the scan.

The doctor approaches Jennie, "Best friend?" Jennie turns her head to stare at the middle-aged guy, squinting her eyes slightly before replying, "Girlfriend."

His mouth forms into a perfect O, and she nods.

"I know what CT scans are for," She speaks again, biting her nails out of anxiousness. "You're suspecting a tumour, aren't you?" She looks at him again, eyes staring tensely at him, yet she looked composed, and he nods.

"There won't be any. I know that we'll get good news." Jennie says loud enough for the doctor to hear, but she intended it for herself. The doctor smiles politely before excusing himself to go into the scanning room.

And as he closes the door behind him, Jennie was standing there, biting her nails as she repeats soothing words to herself.


"You know what's fun?" Lisa asks out of the blue, breaking the silence in the car, her eyes focused to whatever it is that has her attention through the window.


"Riding a horse." She turns to stare at Jennie. "I've always wanted to ride a horse." Jennie raise an eyebrow, "I know a place, we can go there together."

Half of Lisa's face was covered by the red light from the other cars, highlighting her sharp nose and her doe eyes, along with her plump lips, and Jennie couldn't help but lean in to kiss her, taking her by surprise.

When she pulls back, Lisa smiles lightly, her ear tips turning pink, "What's that for?" Jennie shrugs. "I just wanted to."

"I tell you what," Lisa hums when the car starts moving again, "If we're getting bad news, I'll move in with you." Jennie gave her a quick glance, glaring as she replies, "We're not getting bad news, and you can still move in with me with good news."

"You're right." Lisa squints her eyes, "Then if we get bad news, we'll have to go horse riding at least one time a week." She says again, and Jennie was starting to feel angry. Lisa was being unreasonably negative and she hates it, hate the thought of Lisa thinking like that.

She didn't reply.

The whole ride to Lisa's house was just quiet again. Then when they arrived, she pulls the hand brake and turns to look at Lisa. "We are not getting bad news." She holds her hands, "It'll be all good, and we'll go horse riding whenever you want, we'll do anything whenever you want, and we'll be alright. So please stop saying bad news because I hate it." She tilts her head slightly, eyes pleading her to agree with her.

Lisa nods.

"Okay." She repeats softly, "Okay."

Just then her phone rings, and she groans because she really wanted to have some alone time with Lisa, but it seems like Jisoo just won't let her. She answers the call, "What is it?"

"How's Lisa?" Jennie frowns, she could hear the loud music from the other side of the line, and judging from the way it sound, Jisoo must be at a party.

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