Chapter 5

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Lisa couldn't sleep.

She's been tossing around, the ticking sound of the clock wasn't helping at all. Her mind wasn't supposed to be this occupied at this hour, not to mention that she actually needs to wake up early tomorrow for a four hours drive to Busan.

She huffed loudly and sat straight, the lines on her forehead as deep as her thoughts. "Should I," her eyes glances at the slightly opened door, her grip on the pillow tighten.

"Fuck it."

She stood up and walks out of her room, with a pillow and some sheets in her arms.

The brunette was struggling to sleep too, her mind was all over the place. She didn't know why, but the faded knocks on her door scared the hell out of her, for a minute, she forgot that she's living with someone.

Her door opened slightly, and Lisa peeked in, "I can't sleep," the girl stated. Jennie, who was now sitting on her bed, remained silent until Lisa pushed the whole door open, revealing the stuffs she's holding.

Jennie clearly got what Lisa was silently asking through her eyes. She was about to scoot at the edge of the small bed so Lisa could fit in, but the girl quickly blurted, "I'll just sleep on the floor, the bed is yours."

"But it won't be comfortable, your back will hurt. Not to mention, you'll have to drive tomorrow."

Lisa shook her head, "I'll be fine. It's late and I'm sleepy anyway so yeah I'll doze off as soon as I hit the floor." Jennie looks at her with hesitating eyes, but if that's what Lisa wants, then she won't object. She nods in defeat and lies back as Lisa rushes to set the sheets and pillow, throwing herself down.

But that was it.

She still didn't get her so needed sleep. Jennie was right there, if she just jumps on the bed, she could already hug her. What on earth am I thinking, was what she had in mind. Her hands flat on her stomach as she taps her fingers.

While she taps, Jennie blinks. It was starting to become suffocating, their heartbeat increasing, more and more that Jennie just couldn't take it anymore, "Hey, Lis?" the brunette's voice was husky, "I still think you should come up here."

"I think I should," Lisa shuffled again, and Jennie felt all the movements behind her, until hot air were puffed to her exposed nape, which made her shiver. Lisa noticed that so she pulls her head back.

After a long moment of silence, Lisa whispered through the dark, "I'm sorry for disturbing your night." Lisa finally feels her eyes slowly starting to close.

Jennie wets her lips, "I couldn't sleep either, I guess we both needed some company." she chuckles, followed by Lisa's sleepy one.

Slowly but surely, their sights darken, and at the very moment, Jennie heard Lisa's fading voice, "Good night, Jen."


"Did you take your cardigan?" Jennie frowns at the girl beside her, "Do we need it?" it was cold, surely, it's early of December, but she can surive. "You get cold easily, don't you?" when Jennie's eyes widen, Lisa quickly adds, "Your mother told me, I mean, reminded me to make sure you have everything set."

"Geez, why do you talk with my mom so much," she huffs, "Well I'm all set, I'll survive a week. It's not like I'll be out all the time."

"Okay then, your choice," Lisa puts on her cap and grips the steering wheel, "Let's hit the road."

The first hour was nice, they were randomly vibing to Lisa's playlists, until Jennie spoke, "You're really a classic, aren't you?" she reads the band's title on the small tv of the car, "Oasis? Really?" Lisa scoffs, "Have you even been listening to the songs?" Jennie shrugged, she's never thought one day she would listen to an old song, or even have someone vibe to it.

Lisa turns the volume up, and grins at Jennie, "This is too loud," the brunette said, though she didn't bother to lower the volume, "Fine, just keep your eyes on the road." Lisa hums in satisfaction.

They made a few stops, mostly for foods. When they arrived at the hotel, Lisa then realized that the brunette was already fast asleep, hair all over her face.

Lisa sighed, she pulled the hand break and leaned closer so she can move Jennie's hair from her face, but it didn't happen, she just stared at the girl, her hand hanging in the air as if she suddenly froze.

"You're beautiful," Lisa whispered, mesmerized was the statement. They were this close before, but never in the broad daylight, so she never really had a chance to see Jennie clearly, it was wierd but she paid it no mind.

"Jen," Lisa tried, but the girl only stirred and pushed her hand away, so she tries again, "We're here," this time she shakes the girl a little rough, and it worked.

The brunette opens her eyes and the first thing that came in sight was Lisa, of course, soft smile on her face as her eyes were beaming at her sleepy state, "I'll take the bags."


"Hello there! Checking in?" the girl behind the counter asked, a bright smile on display as soon as she saw the two. Lisa nods, "I called a week ago, booked for two rooms under Lalisa Manoban, can you check that for me?" Lisa raise her head enough so the girl could see her face under the cap.

Jennie yawns as she stares at Lisa's hands on the counter, then her eyes moved to the girl in front of Lisa, who was biting her lower lip.

"You're the photographer, right? I love your pictures."

"No big deals, it's the things in pictures I take that are beautiful."

The girl giggles, Jennie was still staring at her, thinking of random thoughts like, she looks young, or she got beautiful hair or also, it trails off to, why are you fli--

"Jen?" she snaps out of her thoughts and stares at Lisa, who gestures her to follow behind, and so she did.

The first thing they did was jump on their own bed, yes, their own bed. Lisa thought it would be awkward to share a bed for one week, so she asked for a room with two of them.

The other room? She paid for Rosie, who was still modelling for her.

She blinks at the ceiling, mind blank and her hands stretched wide, same goes to Jennie who sighed loudly, "This is nice." Lisa hums.

After almost ten minutes of silence, Lisa finally sits and looks at the brunette who followed her every movement, "I'll go to Rosie's, and you should rest though." Jennie nods, "I might order some food tonight, want me to order something for you?"

"Nope, I might be late so just do whatever you want." Lisa said as she walks to the door and shuts it behind her. Jennie didn't even had a chance to say bye or see you tonight.

But it didn't matter though, Lisa didn't come back that night.


Lisa, you naughty naughty.

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