Chapter 15

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The clinking sound of metal echoes in the dining room, yet that still couldn't hide the loud beat of Lisa's heart. She can hardly focus on what her parents were saying to Janet.

Jennie was just in front of her, both glancing at each other constantly, smiling everytime their eyes met.

"Lisa, how's it going for you?" Janet finally decides to cut the cute interaction between the two, and Lisa smiles at her, "There's not much to talk about really, but the studio's great." She tilts her head slightly in confusion when Janet chuckles, "No, I mean you. Have you found someone already?"

"Oh." She turns toward the brunette, eyes unreadable as they mirror Jennie's, before Jennie break the gaze and looks to her plate instead. "I do have someone in mind, but I don't want to rush things." Janet gave a knowing gaze to Maria, and Marco smiles at her. He knows too, who her daughter's talking about, as if the staring wasn't obvious enough.

But Jennie wasn't looking at Lisa. She had her head hung low, unbothered with the words Lisa just said, or so it seems. Nevertheless, Lisa still couldn't read Jennie's mind, couldn't see her eyes, see through her soul. It's as if Jennie had shut her down, so close yet so far.

After lunch, the parents decided to let their two daughters have some times to catch up with each other.

Jennie was sitting in the backyard, eyes closed as her head was tilted to the sky, and Lisa, who comes from behind, stops on her track because Jennie was so beautiful, her hair falls down her shoulders and makes Lisa's breath hitch, her heart crumbles with so much emotions.

She loved Jennie.

She remembers, right now, with two bottle of cold beer in her hand, feet bare on the grass and the hot sun burns into her skin the longer she stands there.

'I can think about this later.'

She reaches the brunette and pass her one bottle, sitting beside her as Jennie mumbles a soft, "Thank you."

Lisa sighs in content, "I've missed you." She finds herself saying, and before she could actually blush, Jennie replies the same words too. Both of them made eye contacts, and breaks into a fit of laughter. Lisa chugs on her bottle, swallowing down whatever emotions that was about to jump out of her chest.

Jennie stares at her, "So," She starts, "Someone in mind, huh?" Lisa felt the teasing tone, sharp and raw, and she knows that Jennie tends to use it around the edge of another emotion, as always, covering whatever she actually feels-- With teasing.

Lisa pushes her thoughts aside and clears her throat, "She's really pretty if you may ask, one I'll never find anywhere else." She replies with the truth, despite not actually giving any specific hint of who she's talking about, because as one may say; two can play the game.

If Lisa wasn't drinking any beer right now, she would've trusted herself that she saw a hint of jealousy and pain flashed through Jennie's eyes. But again, if she wasn't drinking any beer right now.

"What about you?"


"Someone?" Lisa raises her eyebrow at her, "Aren't you gonna share with me?" Jennie shakes her head, and chugs down her bottle. Lisa just stares at her, mind blank as she couldn't make out if Jennie was either joking or serious. "How's the dog?" She asks instead. Jennie's smile widen, "Kuma? Great! But he's been missing someone for the past 5 months, just like me."

Lisa's feature soften, "I'll come visit him next time." Jennie nods. Lisa then puts down her bottle and presses her palm flat on the grass on each side of her hips, closing her eyes just like how Jennie did a few minutes ago.

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