Chapter 22

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Lisa wakes up to another night with a girl in between her sheets, hugging her waist tightly as she breathes evenly.

Lisa smiles, Jennie was a very clingy person, and it amuses her to know that Jennie pretends to be all tough and cold whenever she's in her lawyer mode, because she doesn't want to look childish.

Apparently, she doesn't mind that Lisa knows about this side of her.

Lisa glances at the table clock; 5.34 a.m.

It was too early to be up, and she certainly can't go back to sleep, so she tries to get up, but her attempt had stirred Jennie from her sleep, "Lis?"

"Hey, sorry I just wanted to get some water." She reasons out, smiling softly as Jennie struggles to keep her eyes open. "Go back to sleep, I'll be quick." Jennie nods and slumps herself back on the bed. Lisa tugs her under the blanket and went to the kitchen, the moonlight from the sliding door of her balcony lights up the whole side of her house.

The weather made her change her mind, and she made a mug of hot chocolate instead. She sits on the sofa, cringing from the coldness of the leather.

Christmas was close, and she doesn't know what to do or what to get for Jennie, two days ago Jennie confessed to her, and just thinking about it made her smile. She wants to prove to the woman just how much she loves her, show her that she doesn't have to be scared and worry about anything.

Because Lisa really loves Jennie.

"Lisa?" She looks up from her mug to the sleepy feature of the said girl, wobbling to the sofa and slumps herself almost on top of Lisa that she had to move her hot chocolate away or it'll spill all over them.

"You didn't come back," Jennie yawns, snuggling her face into the crook of Lisa's neck, "What we're you thinking about?"


Lisa's reply was simple, but it made Jennie's whole being shake as she giggles. Lisa hums, "Do you have anything you want to do for Christmas?" She asks softly, and Jennie hums back, "I don't really mind, as long as it's with you, I'm fine."

"Then how about a dinner with all of your friend?"

"Are you going to invite Rosé too?" Lisa shrugs, "I won't invite her if you don't want me to." She knows that Rosé's presence would always make Jennie feel uncomfortable, especially since she knows that they were fuck buddies. "She's your friend, Lisa. I won't stop you from inviting her."



They stayed silent for a while, and Lisa thought that the brunette fell asleep again, but then she felt her fingers slightly moving on the side of her waist, and Lisa chuckles, "Are you trying to tickle me, Miss Kim?"

"Is that a crime?" Jennie smirks as she kisses her neck, but it wasn't long, soon enough Lisa was chasing her back to the bedroom so she can tickle her back.


"Haven't seen you for a while." Rosé says as she walks into the studio, smiling to Lisa's workmates. Lisa gave her a quick look before setting her eyes back to her camera, "Yeah, I've been spending some time with Jennie."

"Hold on, you-- What?"

Lisa smiles when the camera finally focuses  and she stands up to look at her friend, "We're going out!" She chirps, before correcting herself, "Well not really, but we both confessed to each other."

"You confessed to her, and she rejected you." Rosé tries to correct, but Lisa just grins, "True, but then she also confessed and we're typically together now."

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