Chapter 17

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| Warning: long chapter |

Jennie hardly likes parties.

Throughout highschool, she never really joined any possible parties. She thought they were inconvenient to the policy of time and rest, and then she went to law school, where the only reason to stay up at night was to settle their assignments.

But now, at the moment, Kai was persuading her to come along to his cocktail party, following her like a puppy all the way to her office, "Cocktail doesn't mean you have to get drunk, Jen." He says, "I did my best to find a great spot out of Seoul. I also booked all the rooms for all of us, and your name is in too, don't want to waste." Jennie looks at him, eyes squinting with annoyance seeing the way he smiles so innocently.

The sigh was a sign of defeat, according to Kai.

"Great! Make sure you wear a cocktail dress!" Jennie wanted to reply, but the guy quickly ran away back to his office.

"That jerk." She breathes as she slumps back in her chair.


A Portman approaches her and takes her luggage, "Which room?"

"2004 is your room."

"2004, please." "Sure thing." The Portman walks away.

The faint music catches Jennie's mind as she walks down the lobby of the hotel, the one that Kai booked for all of them. Plus, it was his celebrating party after receiving a promotion.

She takes in the bright light from the big chandelier in the middle of the lobby, and the shiny marble floor that reflects back her face, and the sound of people chattering about God knows what, with her eyes full of amazement at the beauty of the place.

After all, her 3 hours drive might actually be worth it.

"Jen!" She steps forward and gave a quick hug to Kai who was grinning from ear to ear, "I hope the room looks just as beautiful as the lobby." Jennie jokes, earning a bubbly chuckle from the man.

He roams his eyes around, "Trust me, it is." He turns around when another older man taps his shoulder, and he shakes his hand before saying to Jennie, "There's the mini bar near the pool, you can go ahead first."

Jennie walks down to the opening and meets the pathway that brings her to the beach, and there she saw more people, some of them were sitting near the water with the moonlight covering their faces. There's also people sitting around the bonfire, one had a guitar in his arms as he sings.

Jennie smiles, she thinks this is nice, probably because she never really went to one place with this kind of atmosphere before.

She sits down near the counter bar, "One mimosa, please," Her eyes returns to those people around the bonfire, and she wonders if they are really good friends from such a long time, or are they just strangers - whose invited by her free-spirited co-partner - but still ends up enjoying themselves, because after all, that's what a party does; bringing people together.

It's another kind of thought that works like a black hole, sucking her in as she thinks deeper and deeper even if it was nonsensical.

The bartender slides the mimosa im front of her before going to the other side of the bar to serve the others. She sighs in content as the sea breeze tickles her face.

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