Chapter 12

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In less then 48 hours, the decision of either Jennie is going to leave or not will be decided, and Lisa has never been more sad then she is right now.

It's pathetic. Jennie has been so good with her, sometimes Lisa gets hope that Jennie might feel exactly just how she does, but then again, it was just hope.

35 hours left;

Jennie knocks on Lisa's door, pulling her out of her thoughts, "Yeah?" the door cracks open and Jennie peeks her head in, eyes settling on Lisa who was leaned against the headboard, with her camera in hand.

"Can I come in?"


Jennie opens the door wider and Lisa looks up, a soft smile on her face when Jennie reveals what she was holding; a tray. A plate of pancakes, with syrup and a cup of tea.

Lisa puts down her camera, watching fondly as Jennie sits down beside her carefully. She found Lisa wasn't planing on having breakfast today, instead, she brings it as breakfast in bed. "Something's up?" Lisa asks, taking the tray from Jennie and places it on her thighs, "I couldn't let you skip breakfast, I was planing on slouching all day long, so let's just order take outs for lunch?"

Lisa nods, "Alright then," she gave a curious glance at the brunette as she slips under the blankets and turn on the tv that was in Lisa's room. Jennie looks back at her, a soft tint of blush forms on her cheeks, "Is this okay?" she turns back to the tv, "I want to accompany you while you do, whatever you're doing," Lisa smiles.

Her heart was thumping, Jennie's thigh were really close to hers, their ankles touching. Lisa shrugs as an answer - also to shake off her much disturbing thoughts - and digs into her breakfast.

After a full plate of pancakes, Lisa settles back to her camera, deleting old pictures and the ones she uploaded already, and Jennie seemed more anxious than Lisa, her eyes kept shifting to Lisa, mind unfocused.

At some point it became unbearable and she huffs loudly, earning Lisa's attention, "This isn't working." she pouts, and Lisa had to bite the inside of her cheeks to stop a smile from spreading. She replies, "What isn't?"

"I want to do something."

"You're the one who suggested to slouch all day, didn't you?"

Jennie huffs again, her eyes piercing through the other eyes that were looking at her with amusement. Lisa sets her camera aside, turning to Jennie once again, "What do you want to do?" she asks softly, and Jennie almost admit to herself that she was melting.

Instead, her eyes shifts past Lisa's shoulder and looks outside, Lisa's eyes following her line of sight and smiles, an idea forms in her mind, "Prepare sandwiches, or whatever you could before lunch, I want to bring you somewhere." Lisa didn't have to say much, because Jennie gets what they're going to do, based on what Lisa has just told her to do.

They're going for a picnic.


33 hours left;

Jennie gasped in daze when the view settles in, green mountains with beautiful countryside houses along the road as Lisa drove past them to a more secluded area. She parks the car before taking all the things they've brought, and starts climbing up the hill.

The view; it became more beautiful now that they were on the hill, that Jennie once again, opened her mouth too wide that her jaw almost hurts.

Lisa chuckled at her reaction, and then lay out the mat, puts the foods down before putting her other thing behind the tree that was near them, and sits down, waiting for Jennie to sit down together.

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now