Chapter 4

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The loud sound of the vacuum cleaner made Lisa frown in her sleep. Never in her life would she think that someone could disturb her sleep at this hour, it was fucking 6 a.m. She stood up from the bed and went out to see what on earth was happening.

Jennie looked up to see a sleepy Lisa with squinted eyes, silently asking what the hell was she doing. She smiled, "Your house is a mess, or may I say, was," She looks around, satisfied with herself. She then looks back at the Thai, "Don't you have any photoshoot today?"

Lisa stretches as she strolls to the sofa, slumping herself comfortably, "Nope. I think I'll just slouch at home today. What about you, any arguments to do?" Lisa looks at her. It was just like any other days, where usually they would try hard to start a casual talk, except today was different, Jennie was actually talking to her.

"I think I'll just slouch with you." Lisa blinks, that was unexpected, Jennie was always an extrovert, either she'll go to work, or hang out with her friends, leaving Lisa alone at home, not that she cared. But if Jennie was going to stay with her for the day, who was she to deny.

Just then her phone rings, a message came in.

'Hey! You coming? Just bought champagne and made your fav dessert. ;)'

"Who is that?" Jennie sits beside her, about to peek through her phone. She quickly put it away and smiled, "Rosie, she asked me to meet her." Jennie nods, "Well then you can go." Lisa frowns, would it be this easy for Lisa to go out if she's married to this woman?

"I told you I want to slouch today, and you," Lisa pulled her closer by the shoulder, taking Jennie by suprise, "are not going anywhere either, I won't let you."

Heat rushed up to the brunette's ear as she looks at Lisa's side profile, her arm still around Jennie.

"Okay, but take your arm off me." the brunette slapped her arm away with a huff, which made Lisa chuckle.

After Lisa finished her shower, she joined Jennie who was scrolling through Netflix, chinese foods already on the table. "C'mon let's eat," Lisa quickly digs in like a hungry wolf.


They really slouched. Even when someone, they assumed was the postman, knocked on their door, they muted the tv and stayed silent until the knocks stops, just because they were too lazy to get up and open the door.

Only then Lisa realized that it was already dark outside, her heavy eyes now wide as she glance at Jennie who was wrapped in the blanket, in her arm, she can practically smell Jennie's hair. She didn't even know when or how did they end up like that.

Or were they already like that from the beginning.

Jennie felt the girl's eyes on her, so she nudged the girl slightly, silently telling her that she should watch the movie, but Lisa didn't even budge, so she looked up and found their faces close, as Lisa's hot breath hits her face. She smelled like mint, with slight hint of the chinese food that they ate earlier.

But she smelled good.

"You should be watching the movie." Jennie whispered.

"I know," but she didn't turn her head, instead her eyes were intensely staring at the brunette, pupils slightly bigger and darker, while Jennie, just as much as Lisa, was also drawn to the other.

Their heart beats in sync, suddenly the surrounding vanished as they were lost in each other's eyes. As if on reflex, Jennie licked her lips when Lisa leaned forward, inch by inch and they were so, so close--

Jennie's phone rang.

Their eyes widen, and they quickly pulled away from each other, one clearing her throat, the other scratching her nape. The sound of the phone ringing fills in the awkward air. Lisa glances at it, "You should get that," She finally found coherent words to say, earning eager nods from the brunette.

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now