Chapter 3

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Jennie had her hands turned into fists - cutely, according to Lisa - as she roams her eyes around. She clears her throat before looking at Lisa, who had her hands in her pocket, her camera hanging loosely on her neck.

"We're too old for funfairs." Jennie stated, though, her eyes beams the otherwise. Lisa tilted her head to the side, "Well then let's go home." she turned around, ready to walk back to the parking lot when Jennie shouted, "Wait!"

She turned around but Jennie didn't say anything, she was just fidgeting with her fingers, so Lisa decided to walk closer to her as she chuckled lightly, "We're never old for funfairs. Come on, I know you like this." she grinned.

The brunette raised her eyebrow, "Did my mom tell you to bring me here? You're just doing this because of my mom? Not because you're trying," she squint her eyes, "right?"

"What? No, well mostly are. But I'll be pleased if you accept this as a thank you for helping me change my clothes last night when I wasted my ass off." Lisa rubbed her nape, her eyes avoiding Jennie's.

The brunette smiled this time, she slapped Lisa's arm playfully, "You were wasted, what'd you expect me to do? and do you always say thank you like this?" Lisa shakes her head.

"I guess you're the first."

Jennie nodded once, satisfied with Lisa's answer. "Let's go then!" she pulled Lisa's hand, making their way through the place full of people. Jennie's eyes once again beamed with delight, her childhood flashing right before her.

"I want to try that." Jennie said as soon as she laid her eyes on the merry go around, which made Lisa frown as she was pulled to queue along the parents who were looking at them, she didn't expect for Jennie to actually wanting to go on a merry go around, "You go, I'll buy you the ticket."

"What? I don't want to be alone." Jennie claimed, but Lisa could only smile as she glances around, "I want to take some pictures of you," Lisa raised her camera, "So go have fun, okay?" Jennie wanted to argue, but she knows very well that it won't go anywhere so she did as she was told.

Turns out Jennie wasn't the only adult on the fake horses, well per se, mostly were forced parents that had kids underage and needed to be accompanied by adults, but that made Jennie feel less ashamed.

As soon as it starts to spin, Lisa aligned her camera to her eye as she snaps Jennie's pictures everytime she's on Lisa's side. Jennie might not see Lisa very well, but God knows she was smiling behind the camera, her smile matching her partner.

It was worth the shots.


"You should've seen your face," Lisa laughs out loud, her eyes twitching so much that it was starting to hurt. Jennie could've been more angry, but seeing the girl laughing like that, it was contagious.

Earlier Jennie had insisted that she badly wants to go on a rollercoaster, but as soon as it moves, Jennie was sure she turned blue. "I'm still mad they didn't let me bring my camera," Lisa huffed after a moment of silent, "Could've captured that face of yours." she grinned foolishly.

Jennie snorts as she pulls her coat to tighten it around her petite body. "Thank you, Lisa. I can't remember the last time I went to a funfair." Jennie smiled genuinely, Lisa returning just as much.

They sat at a nearby bench, not so noisy as there were less people around. Lisa taps her fingers on her knees, the cold breeze hitting both their faces.

"Can I ask you something?" the brunette nodded.

"How'd you cope up with your work? I mean, being a lawyer can be very hard, based on what I've seen on movies and from my experience once." Jennie blinks, "You've been to court?" Lisa answered with a nod.

"My friend was accused once, remember that model? Yeah, her. I'd rather not share her past." the brunette looks up front, eyes shining with the dim lights.

"Yeah, well, when you do something frequently, you get used to it. You see, me and my mom used to argue a lot when I was young, and told her my ass was gay," she chuckled to her memories, "but when you have to be professional, you'll be. Being in a court surely is hard, but that's what I've been dreaming of for years. So, I'm glad I made it happen."

Lisa smiles, "What about you?" Jennie glances at the camera, "Why photographer?" she asks this time.

Lisa clears her throat, her hands fidgeting the camera, "It makes me calm. Pictures don't show emotions, but when you look at one, you'll feel as if the smiles, the tears, or the moments were yours to keep." the cold breeze once again hits their faces gently, "I tend to capture every moments because I'm always scared that I won't be able to be in that exact moment again."

Jennie let Lisa's random yet wise reason lurk in her head.

"So you think me, smiling like a fool, on a merry go around, is a moment you won't be able to be in again?" Lisa chuckled, "Probably."

"Just take me to funfairs and you'll see me in that exact moment again."

"I'll keep that in mind, Kim."

They stayed silent for a while. Not too long, but long enough to make them realized that they were starting to warm up with each other. Lisa turns her head towards Jennie,

"Want to go home?" the brunette nods, so they both got up and walked back all the way to the parking lot.


"I don't know, Rosie. One time she's all nice and friendly, one time I really think she regrets to agree to whatever we're doing." Lisa blabbered , right before her friend shoved a biscuit into her mouth.

Rosie smacked her palms on the kitchen counter, "That's what you need to figure out. What are you two doing?" Rosé was always the one who's good with words, she can open up someone's mind and give them further options in life, just by asking a question.

"Did you really jogged all the way here just to tell me that?"

"Actually, we went to the funfair," Rosie's eyes widen slightly as Lisa rephrase her words, "I brought her to the funfair."

Her friend frowned just for a few seconds right before she changed it with a playful pout, "You never brought me to funfairs." Lisa huffed, she stood up from the tall chair and walked to the sink, washing and rinsing her hands off the cookies crumbs.

"She's," finding a suitable word, she continued, "different, Rosie. I have to at least try, otherwise I can't meet you, nor my career anymore." A long sigh escaped her lips, she was obviously annoyed, every single time she thinks about it.

Her mother had gone too far this time.

Rosie bit her lips as she looks at her friend's back muscles flexes through the fabric everytime she moves her arms. Taking a long stride, she slipped her hands from her sides, up inside Lisa's loose hoodie, delicately
- appreciatively - touching her abs.

Lisa groans, her wet hands turning into fists. "Let me help you ease your mind." Rosé mumbled close to her ear, nipping at it softly. She was satisfied when Lisa turned around and pushed her backwards until she hits the kitchen counter, moaning as she did so, obviously enjoying the rough treatment.

Lisa pushed her thigh clad in jeans in between the blonde's thighs and growls,

"I'll show you how to ease my mind."


Let me remind you that the characters in the stories I write are fictional, the events never happened to them in real life, I'm just using the names and faces for illusion.

Each Of Your Flaws [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now