Chapter 2

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hey, I'm no lawyer, don't judge my writings, I'm trying since I made Jennie a lawyer!

"On 6th July, Dave Wang was seen running out from the building, five minutes after Alice Wang was clarified dead." Jennie walked towards Dave, looking straight into his soul.

The 30 years old man shifts on his seat, feeling uncomfortable. "You had a fight with your wife, Mr. Wang?" asked Jennie, before he could reply, his attorney stood up, "Objection, Your Honour. She's trying to get a motive from him."


Jennie moves away from the table to look at the juries, "Alice was believed to be a friendly, kind hearted woman, killed brutally by her own husband," she turns to look at the judge.

"May I play a video?" the judge nods so she proceeds. In the video, there was the guy, Dave Wang who looks like he was shouting at Alice Wang, pushed her, then stabbed her with the kitchen knife.

Gasps filled the room as Dave started to sob, guilt heavy in his heart. Jennie intertwine her fingers. "You believed it was the only way to shut her up."

"I'm sorry," sobbed Dave, "I'm so sorry, Alice." His attorney pats his back, he could no longer defend Dave as he just admitted his wrongs by saying sorry.

Jennie nods, "No more questions, Your Honour." She bows slightly and goes back to her place.

It took about fifteen minutes for the juries to decide either the defendant is innocent or guilty, but when it was finally the moment, everyone had their heart beating loud and fast.

"We've come to an end, therefore we found that Dave Wang, guilty for the charges of 1st Degree Murder." One of the jury read the verdict, loud and clear which made the whole room filled with gasps.

Dave Wang was sentenced to death.


"That was a great argument, Jennie." one of Jennie's co-workers smiled at her, "I'd like to treat you for coffee." she wasn't in the mood for it, but if someone was paying, who's say no, right?

Kai was a good friend of Jennie, way back from when Jennie went to Harvard and studied law. He used to hit on her continuously up to the point where she had to slap him to get him out from his own fantasy of Jennie.

When she told him that she was more into girls, he had a hard time accepting it, but gladly he became one of the most understanding friend of Jennie.

"So tell me, Jen," started Kai, his hair flops as he raise his head to look at the brunette, "How is it, this whole Lisa thing?" Jennie snorts, her eyes following the cup that Kai is holding, bringing it closer to his lips.

"We're good so far, we're surviving," it sounded more like she was assuring herself, "She's kind though. An ass, but kind." upon hearing that, Kai chuckled.

Jennie has a very charismatic and charming characteristic. She was born as a perfectionist, super clear. But if there's one thing that Jennie lacks, it was her point of view for someone.

"Well I hope I don't have to defend you for murdering her."

"Please, I'd end her in a civil way." Both of them laughed, their weird sense of humour never get old.

When the door burst open, Jennie's eyes automatically shifts to the two ladies who were laughing, one had her arm wrapped around the other's shoulder.

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