Chapter 9

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Jennie felt empty. She was just staring at the empty bed beside hers, four hours passed but Lisa had shown no intentions to meet Jennie, at least not right now, Jennie hoped.

While Lisa was slowly recovering, thanks to Rosé, Jennie was getting anxious, she wants to talk to the girl. It was stupid of her for saying that, she didn't even mean it.

Her eyes focused on her phone, hoping for a call from the girl next door. But she knows that she's the one at fault, so she's the one who needs to make the first move. With her shaky hand, she reaches for her phone on the bedside and chats Lisa,

'Are you feeling well? Can I see you?'

She hesitates, reading the message over and over. It looked desperate, she figured but sent it nevertheless. After a few minutes, Lisa replied, but it wasn't what she expected.

I'm ok, don't bother asking.'

She sighs, maybe Lisa needs a little more time. Yeah, it's sad knowing someone think of you as a burden, it does hurt and Jennie understands.

Just then her phone rings, Kai's name shows up, "Hey, beauty, up for some coffee?" Jennie snorts, "I'm in Busan, Kai, and it's like," she glances at her watch, "11 already, no need coffee."

"Then I'd say brunch in Busan? I want to meet you and hit you up with few things." she might need some distraction, so with a small sigh, she accepts the invitation, telling him their meet up place.

Why the hell was everyone in Busan?


Kai puts the file on the table, looking all serious, as Jennie observes it, "Lee Seojin, 32, charged with domestic abuse," the guy started, this was his third case as a prosecutor, figuring that Jennie was his senior in the department, he'd like to get a few advices from her.

"What you got?"

"Her neighbour had mentioned that she was on bad terms with her son, heard them fighting almost everyday, sometimes he's seen with bruises all over his face, currently, he's in the hospital, beat up," Jennie frowns, "How old is her son?" Kai points his finger to certain details about the victim, "12? God, he's still young."

Kai nods, "Tell me about it, I'm hoping to hear a few advices from you." he sips on his coffee, looking at the brunette intensely, "Well," Jennie starts, "You need to look deep into the main cause of her abusing, when did it start, why did it start." Jennie was a professional, Kai was sure from the very first time.

The way she talks, her charismatic personality spilling out. She was authentic, Kai thought, he had always admired her, not romantically of course. "Try talking to the neighbour."

"Is that allowed?"

"As long as you don't force or bribe her, just tell her to give honest statements about what has been happening." Kai nods, "Okay, enough of all this. How's it going with you and Lisa?" he wriggle his eyebrows, and Jennie groans, "We're on bad terms right now, don't ask why, I don't want to talk about it."

Even if it made him curious, he knows Jennie. She tends to keep things to herself, so if she doesn't want to talk about it, don't bother asking.

It was a nice amount of time, Jennie figured, neither the tension of all that's been happening lately nor the facts she's been denying is bothering her through her time with Kai. But he had to go back to Seoul, needed to start with the case as soon as possible. So Jennie let him go, bidding her goodbye.


Lisa had decided to wrap it up early, calling her assistant to make sure everything's settled, so she can continue her unfinished works that she left in Seoul, and also, she knows she's being too hard on Jennie, so maybe she'll try and talk it out with her tonight.

"Lisa, do you want to eat? There's porridge, I ordered earlier." Rosé sat beside her friend, the back of her palm touching Lisa's forehead, it wasn't so hot anymore since Lisa just took a cold shower.

Lisa hums, "I'm not hungry." her eyes we're looking at Rosé, but not focused, they were a shade darker, not lusting, just, unreadable, Rosé noticed. "Is something bothering you? Jennie?"

"Yeah, I'm going to talk her tonight, otherwise it might be suffocating to stay in the same house with her." Rosé's heart tighten, "Why are you two fighting exactly?" she asks, but the answer was not what she expected.

"I kissed her."


Lisa nods, the memory of last night rushing back, making her groan, "I didn't know what I was thinking, she was so beautiful last night, and we were talking about our pasts, and, and--"

"You're in love." her friend cuts her off, putting her ramblings to an end, Lisa frowns, "No, I don't love her." it couldn't be, she knows her feelings, "Are you sure, Lisa?"

"Of course!"

Rosé shrugs, if Lisa's paying it no mind, then so would she, because she was scared to nurse a broken heart.

That exact night, Lisa knock on her actual room's door, making eye contact with the brunette after almost 24 hours no meeting, she clears her throat, "Can I come in?" Jennie nods, moving aside.

She sat on her bed and waits for Jennie to sit too, they were avoiding each other's eyes, but Lisa still has to say what she needs to say. "I know I've been saying sorry many times already, and I know that a kiss-" she cringed when her eyes meets Jennie's hot gaze, "-Is not something I can give you back, but I really want to talk it out with you, so, yeah." Lisa finishes, smiling briefly before tearing her eyes away.

Jennie nods, "You're not a burden, Lisa, I was just, bothered about our, you know, arrangement." Lisa chuckles softly, "Relatable, we might be crazy for putting up with our mothers." Jennie joins her laughing, the awkwardness leaving their surroundings as they both relaxes.

Jennie leans closer, a hand on Lisa's shoulder. "We're good, right?" Lisa asks just to make sure. The brunette nods. "Yeah, just please don't kiss anyone as you please next time."

"God, Jen, don't remind me, that was so stupid of me." Lisa groans out loud, and Jennie had to laugh seeing that now she can comfortably joke about that mistake, because it is what it is, a mistake.

Jennie had no intentions on feeling awkward or angry about small mistakes, especially when it comes to - apparently, now that she has grown engrossed to the girl - Lisa.


I almost switched this Lisa's character with YGM's Lisa.

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