Chapter 18

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The house felt cold as Jennie sits by the window, a mug of coffee in her hand, and the rain falls silently outside, wetting her window. It's been two days since she got back from the hotel, after she woke up alone, no trace of Lisa.

They may have or may have not spoke in those two days, or it may also be more like Lisa ghosting Jennie, since Jennie did send a few messages to Lisa, asking if they could meet, and that she's sorry for what happened. But nothing came from Lisa's side, and so she wonders if this was the ending point of their friendship.

While she was busy wondering, Lisa was at a bar down the street of her apartment, already half drunk, and as she was about to drink another glass of Whiskey, someone snatched it away from her, "What the hell happened to you?" Comes Rosé's voice, almost laced with anger. She sits down beside her friend, her piercing eyes as sharp as a sword through Lisa's point of view.

She looked horrible!

Lisa was sweating, her hair in a half bun, and she was wearing sweatpants, and Lisa never wears sweatpants. She believes that it was too simple and it's not suitable to go outside unless she was going for a jog or to the gym.

Rosé sighs as she pats Lisa's back, "Come on, let's get you home." She softly says, but Lisa hushed her, "I don't want to, it's cold there." Rosé doesn't remember when was the last time her friend looked so depressed, and she doesn't even want to remember it.

She stands up and pays for Lisa, swinging Lisa's arm around her shoulder, even if she gave her a hard time doing so, she manages. She thought of taking her to her house, but Lisa was insisting that she hated her house, and they ended up at Rosé's.

"Lisa, you have to help me." She mumbles as they walk in the room. Lisa chuckles when Rosé pushed her on the bed, but it quickly stops, and tiredness slips in her mind, in her whole body, and it hits her that she hasn't got a good sleep in these past two days, which could explain her behavior today, maybe not to Rosé, but to her.

Rosé would ask her what happened, and force everything out of her, because drunk Lisa is a very good storyteller, but this doesn't seem like the perfect time. Rosé knows it, because drunk Lisa is also very open and vulnerable, depending on what got her drunk in the first place.

Rosé chose to ignore her desire to know.

"I'm sleepy." Lisa sighs. Her eyes was already closed. "Then sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Rosé held her hand as her eyes gently shut close, and everything went black.


There are moments where alcohol becomes the greatest solution to run from feelings that we don't want to feel, but it could never bring happiness, never will. Those who drink will either end up becoming alcoholics or being bastards on the streets.

But before all the worst comes, there's always hangover, and this is the stage where people become aware of everything they're feeling. After spending hours trying to chug it down their guts with alcohol, hangover will always allow them to come back up in their head. True, hangover helps you forget what happened exactly, but the shitty pain in our head is what we can never shove away.

And in this moment, Lisa woke up with tears streaming down her face, all the the things she has been feeling hits her and she just couldn't help it.

She wipes them away harshly with the back of her palm, "Why the hell am I crying?" She turns to her side and saw her best friend, fast asleep and holding her waist tightly. Gently, she pushes her arm away and stood up, too fast for someone who's having a hangover, and so she quickly sits back on the bed and holds her head.

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