Chapter 6

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Jennie wakes up and saw Lisa, all dressed up as she adjusts her bangs in the mirror. "Hey," she sits up, looking at Lisa who turns around with a smile, "You didn't come back last night."

"Yeah, sorry I fell asleep in Rosé's room." Lisa reasoned out, last night was a mess. Rosé had a fight with her parents, so she called Lisa, hoping to get away from the stress she's feeling, but Lisa knows that what her friend was thinking, wasn't the way.

She tends to do anything she could as long as what's disturbing her, doesn't disturb her anymore, and Lisa knows better than to take advantage of her friend, so she let her friend talk and cry out as she lies there with Rosé in her arms, until both of them fell asleep.

She sighed at the flashback.

"Do you want to come with me? I'm going out for coffee with a friend of mine." Jennie raise an eyebrow, it's been a while since she last drank coffee, because Lisa never had it at her apartment, "I thought you didn't drink coffee, I hardly find it in your house." Lisa shrugs, "Are you coming or not?"

"Sure, I'll get ready." Lisa nods.


"So who's this friend of yours?" Lisa beams at her, "He's my high school friend, been bugging my ass since yesterday, he's visiting his parents here so, yeah."

Jennie nods. She roams her eyes around, enjoying the vibe in the small café, with freshly brewed coffee and the sweet scent of vanilla candles slightly mixed with the scent of coffee, just right.

Jennie then spotted a guy with sunglasses on, dark blonde hair all slicked back, as he enters and smiled as soon as he recognised Lisa, "Lis!" Lisa turns around and a grin forms on her round lips, "Jimin!"

She stood up and gave a bear hug to the guy, both chuckling in amusement, "It's really hard to meet you, what are you being untouchable now?" Lisa snorts, "You know I'm always one call away, and also, you're the one who's been avoiding my chats."

The two sits down, Jimin's eyes observing Jennie who smiles politely at him, "Oh, Jimmie, this is Je--"

"Shit, this is her?" he took off his glasses in a very dramatic way, Lisa wish she could slap him, but she nods instead. Jennie's heart flutters, at the thoughts that Lisa has been talking about her to her friends, "A pleasure to finally meet you, heard many good things about you," Jimin reaches out for a handshake, and Jennie was about to hold his hand but Lisa slap it away, "Stay still."

Jimin groans while Jennie chuckles, "Since when have you been so protective, Manoban?" Lisa shrugs, they started talking with random topics, and it was nice, Jennie thought. It's really hard to keep a conversation going especially for those who never met for a long time, but Lisa and Jimin didn't even stop for a single breath, they must have a lot to talk about.

Jimin might be a bit of an ass just as Lisa described him, but he was very vibrant and a man of manner. She smiled as she stares at how Lisa's eyes twitch everytime she smiles, or how her body shakes when she laughs, Lisa wasn't so bad after all.

"Are you still with Chaeyoung? How is she by the way?" Jimin takes a bite of his croissant, his eyes on Lisa, he was obviously unaware of the girl's discomfort, "She's here too! You should call her, let's hang out, the thr-- no, the four of us," Lisa looks at the brunette with a smile, "Join us, yeah?"

Jennie couldn't really deny, she felt warm and comfortable around Lisa and her friends, so she nodded.

"Cool I'll bring Jihyo too!"

"Wait you're still in touch with Jihyo?" Lisa asks in disbelief, "She called me a few months ago and we're still going until now." Jimin shrugs, "That bitch, I'm going to kill her when I meet her. She didn't even try to reach me!" Jennie chuckles at Lisa's exaggerated expression.


Lisa and Jennie walks down the hallway of the hotel, giggling and stumbling, as Lisa kept asking Jennie to stay quite with a finger on her lips, but she couldn't be convincing with herself giggling along, as they arrived to their room, Lisa's smiley face suddenly turn into an anxious one, she clears her throat as her friend juggles her eyes between the two, "Rosie, what's up?"

"I wanted to see you."

Yes, Jennie felt warm around Lisa's friends, but not Rosé. There's always a high tension that surrounds them whenever they breath in the same room, making her shiver. Jennie looks at Lisa and tug her sleeve slightly to earn her attention, "I'll go in first." Lisa nods and smiles slightly.

When Jennie disappear, Rosie quickly went in for a kiss, which took Lisa by suprise as she pushes the girl away, "What are you doing?" she looks around anxiously before stopping her eyes on the girl, who looks at her with a frown, "Were you too busy with her that you didn't even bother to pick up your phone?"

"I had my phone turned off, Rosie. Why are you getting mad?"

"You left me to go out with her!"

"She's someone I'm courting, Rosé, you know that! Besides, what if someone sees us, we both can't risk our job." Lisa raised her voice slightly, feeling frustrated with her friend's behaviour.

Rosé scoffed, "Now you actually care about all this?" She looks down, and at that moment, Lisa felt guilty. She knows Rosé was a very sweet girl, her heart was big yet vulnerable. Add to the fact that Rosé might still be upset about her parents.

With a sigh, she pulls Rosé for a hug. "I'm sorry." she mumbles, "I met Jimin today, and he wanted to meet Jennie, that's why I went out with her. You don't need to worry, okay?"

Rosé nods slightly, her grip on Lisa's jacket tighten as she looks up, " I want to kiss you." Lisa smiles, she looks around before giving in for a soft kiss, which then ended up being deepen by Rosé and Lisa had to pull away with a warning look, otherwise someone might catch them.

"No, not here. I'll come to your room tonight."

"Why not now?"

"Jennie will be suspicious of us. You know she's a lawyer, she has good instinct." though it was hard for the model to let go of her friend, she knows better not to risk their relationship, so with a bruising kiss, she winks, a reminder that she'll be waiting for Lisa in her room, and bid goodbye.

Jennie shot her eyes up to Lisa as soon as she enters the room. "Is she okay?" Lisa hums in respond. Jennie had a book in her hands, but her eyes were fixated on Lisa who was busy taking off her jacket.

Hours after hours of - pretending to be - watching the tv, Lisa glances at the brunette and sighs in relief as the brunette finally fell asleep. She turn off the tv and tuck the brunette under the blanket.

Her gaze was soft, "Sleep tight, Jennie." she whispered before opening the door as slowly as she can and managed to go to the other girl's room.

But what she didn't know was, Jennie wasn't asleep. She opens her eyes, and the fact that Lisa indeed left her for the model made her heart clench tightly as she thinks about it, "So they really are having an affair." mumbled the brunette.

She sat up and look at the now empty bed of her partner, "Why'd you have to do this."


First of all, I heard about Jennie and GD and I want to say this, though I'm only a blink of 2 (almost 3) years, it's their privacy and let it be if it was any member from any kpop group, we should respect their choices and also, let me remind you that shipping is just a part of us being delusional, and it's okay, people tend to be delusional, just like me, but that doesn't mean that I'm mad about the news, in fact, I'm happy that Jennie can actually look out for herself and choose a man of honour, a man of respect. So please, respect their choices.

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