Chapter 8

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The calm, cold breeze flows through the night, stars starring right down the earth as the moon lights up the night sky.

All of that made Jennie believe that Lisa, kissing her, was real. As if on reflex, she pushed the girl away and slapped her, hard.

Jennie slapped Lisa.

Her eyes were stinging with tears as she stares at the girl, who was just as shock as her, a small red hint of her palm on her left cheek. Lisa then turns at her with widen eyes, she stammered, "J-Jennie, I'm s--"

"No," the brunette felt her pride torn into pieces. Never in her life she had let anyone take advantage of her like that, it hurts even more to know that it was Lisa who had to do that, "Don-- You can't kiss anyone whenever you want! Am I a joke to you? Am I your rebound? Someone to fill your loneliness? What about Rosé, huh?!" Lisa was still starring at her with wide eyes, she tries to speak again but Jennie halted her.

"I understand if you're confused, but don't give me hope," her voice drops lower with each words, "if you're going to chose Rosé at the end." Lisa shook her head. "Jennie, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you!"

"I, I'm leaving, and don't try to follow me." she didn't let Lisa answer as she takes her purse and ran away, her high heels suddenly feeling tight but she really needed to get out of there.

Lisa was still dazed, she was mad at herself for doing that, - all of her feelings from this past few weeks, the tiredness of her work, the overwhelm of having Rosé who's been very emotional lately, and Jennie, Jennie was just there, confusing her even more - she wasn't thinking about the other girl's feelings.

She disrespected her.

Even worse, Jennie had admitted that she knew about her affair with Rosie, but since when?

The thoughts made her frustrated, and as if knowing her feelings, heavy rain starts to pour. She kicks the chair beside her, and punches the big tree where she was supposed to sit with Jennie after dinner.

It was all ruined, just because she was selfish.


Lisa returned to the hotel, the darkness and the coldness of the aircond welcoming her. She wince, feeling her body freezing, and it made the bruises on her knuckles pulsating.

Jennie was there, asleep with her soft breathing. Lisa had gave Jennie space for three hours, three hours in rain for Lisa. The rain was as heavy as her heart with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Jennie."

She sighs before taking off her clothes and quickly changing into her pyjamas, not minding to take a shower as she was already drain and ready to sleep. But before that, she needs to cure her knuckles, so she took out a flashlight, and her band-aid, her muffled groans filling the room.

When she was done, she finally went to sleep, with tears at the edge of her eyes.


The bright shine from the morning sun stirs Jennie from her slumber. She shots her eyes open to see Lisa, with her back on her, still in her bed, which was wierd, because Lisa would already went to work at this hour, but no, not today.

Jennie contemplates wether to wake her up or not, she was still mad, but on the other side, maybe she should, because Lisa's work doesn't involve her.

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