Chapter 29

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"How long do I have to wait?"

"You need patience, honey."

"No! It hurts me to see her like that."

The muffled convo went on, and Lisa kept on staring at her fidgeting pale fingers. Her head hung low as the beanie she was wearing covered half her head.

8 months.

It's been eight months since she started therapy, but it seems to only get worse and worse. Her body is thinner, and her skin pales, her lips dry, and there are dark circles under her eyes.

"She's Lisa, my Lisa. I can't afford to lose her." She hears again, eyes monotonous as she ignores the loud sound of the rain hitting the window. "Certain things can't be argued, Jennie." Her mother says, and Lisa nods a little, agreeing with what Mrs Kim said because that's the exact thing she's been telling Jennie.

She was waiting outside the office of Mrs Kim, after Jennie had insisted that she wanted to meet her mother.

They argued earlier, and it seems like that's what has been going on ever since the discovery of Lisa's sickness. They argue about the bills, they argue about the dog, they argue about food, and they even argue about what outfit they chose to wear.

It's becoming out of control.

Just then, the door burst open, and Lisa looked up to meet Jennie's eyes, but Jennie only glanced at her before storming away, "Let's go, Lisa."

She looks back to see Mrs Kim coming out from the office, and she smiles slightly at her. "Oh, Lisa." She worries, "You must be so tired, go on and have some rest, yeah?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Sure, sure, Jennie's just worried about you, but she's stressing more over herself than she should." Mrs Kim assures, so Lisa kisses her on the cheek and goes after Jennie.


"You need to stop eating this." Jennie yanks away the half slice of pizza from Lisa's hand, taking her off guard, her mouth still full with the other half of the pizza as she looks up at her, "You didn't have to take it away like that."

Jennie ignores her as she slumps down beside her. Lisa continued munching, yet she was eyeing Jennie carefully. Jennie then turns her head and raises an eyebrow, "What?"

"Nothing," She says. "It just feels like you're tired of this."

"Of what?"

"Of me."

They blink at each other, and Jennie was the first to look away, hanging her head low because she can't look at Lisa any longer. "It's not that, Lisa." She whispers under her breath. "I love you too much to see you like this. It pains me to see you in pain, I'm scared."

"You take that as a reason?" Lisa taunts, her eyes intense on Jennie's skin. "You take that as a reason to do me like this? Argue with me?"

Jennie sighs. She shifts so that she can be more comfortably, eyes looking ahead. "I know what you're thinking. You think you're burdening me, well you aren't, Lisa. I promised to take chances with you, whatever chances it may be, even if the chance is blurry sometimes. I promised, right?" She holds Lisa's cheeks in the palm of her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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