Chapter 11

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| Warning: long chapter |

Jennie has been awake for hours now. She glanced at the table clock, 2.45 a.m. and she hasn't yet heard any sounds indicating that Lisa was home already.

Not to mention, the loud noise of raindrops hitting her window wasn't helping much either.

She is worried, Lisa was supposed to be home at least before 2, that's the latest she would usually be. She grabs her phone to call Lisa, but it went straight to voicemail, then she tried again and again until she reached her peak.

"Shit!" Jennie stood up and took her coat, ready to go out when the door bursts open, and there was Lisa who rushes in, all wet and shaky from the cold, her arms hugging something.

When Lisa turns around, she almost jumped out of suprise to see the silhouette of her housemate, "God! What are you doing in the dark?" Jennie frown, "I thought something happened to you, you're late!"

"Sorry, were you waiting for me?" Lisa chuckled when Jennie rolled her eyes, though she sighed in relief, then her eyes fell to the slightly wet box, Lisa had put an effort to make sure the box is safe.

"What is that?"

Lisa looks at the box in her arms and grins, "Wanna see?" Jennie nods. Lisa took off her drenched jacket and turned on the lights, joining Jennie who was already sitting on the sofa, looking curiously at the box, noticing that it had a few hole.

Then, she stabbed a knife through the box so she can cut the tape, and Lisa's eyes widen, "No! Fuck, don't stab it!" Lisa hastily pulled out the knife and huffed.

Jennie's frown deepen as she watches Lisa gently cutting the tapes. Her eyes widen when she heard a very cute, small bark, "Is th-- open it!" As soon as the last tape was off, a hairy, dark brown puppy head peeped out, and Jennie's heart quickly lightened.

"Oh my god!" she took out the puppy and put it on her laps, and the dog sat comfortably, as if Jennie has been it's owner for years. Lisa smiled widely when she heard Jennie squeal "Where did you get him?"

"A new pet shop near my studio." Lisa shrugged, "Do you like it?" she pats the dog's head gently, her hazel eyes beaming along with the dark brown one, "I love it, I think I'm going to name it Kuma."

"Kuma." Lisa echoes, then she smiles, "Sure. I bought it for you after all." Jennie smiles widely, her gummy showing, that's how happy she is. Her worries from earlier long forgotten now that she had Kuma.

Tonight Jennie had a company to sleep with.

The next morning she woke up and smiled lazily when Kuma greets her with gentle nudges of his head on her arm, "Good morning, Kuma." she mumbles, her arms reaching to hug the dog.

After a long, nice minutes of cuddling with the dog, she finally decided to stand up and prepare breakfast.

Just as she was pouring flakes in her milk, Lisa once again came from outside, her hands full of groceries, most were Kuma's foods. "Good morning." Lisa smiles as she sets the groceries on the table, Jennie smiles back, "Good morning to you too. Why didn't you buy a place for Kuma to sleep too?"

Lisa shrugs, "I didn't want to buy things in case you don't like it, so I figured we could go see together later?" Lisa was so considerate, it made the brunette's heart warm.

She pushes herself from the counter and hugs Lisa, taking her by suprise, but she still hugged her back, "Thank you, Lisa." she mumbled, and Lisa wanted to reply, but the dog suddenly barked as if he was getting jealous, so Lisa pulled away and replied him instead, "I'm the one who bought you, you little brat!" Jennie chuckled as she watches the two interacting.

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